Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4653: Dean Shen Seeking Cooperation 2

"Are you planning to use your learning method as a pilot in a school you built?" Shen Guoxiong asked Mu Yue curiously.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, and said, "Well, that's it!"

There are pilot projects, but this is also an innovation.

If you don’t use innovative teaching methods and follow the old learning methods, you will lose the purpose of creating this school of Chinese medicine.

Shen Guoxiong looked at Mu Yue with emotion and admiration, this girl really gave him so many surprises, maybe only she can lead Chinese medicine to the top of the world.

Only Mu Yue can make Chinese medicine accepted by the world and will no longer disappear in the long river of history.

"Hey, with your Chinese Medicine School, I believe it will become a world-famous medical school in the future!" Shen Guoxiong said expectantly.

Mu Yue thanked Shen Guoxiong, "Thank you!"

Shen Guoxiong rolled his eyes, looked at Mu Yue with a smile, and asked, "Mu Yue, your school of Chinese medicine was established, but I wonder if the Chinese medicine school of our school can communicate with your school? "

"Communication?" Mu Yue was taken aback, looked at Shen Guoxiong, smiled slightly, and said, "Of course it is possible!"

The TCM school is still in its rudimentary form, and her teaching methods are still being prepared. For specific situations, we still have to communicate with other schools to make TCM truly famous.

When Shen Guoxiong heard Mu Yue's words, his old face suddenly smiled and said, "Hehe, that's the best! I just hope your school will let more students from our school in the future!"

Even if the school has not yet opened, he has a hunch that the students who are selected into the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be the best in medical skills.

Mu Yue said confidently, "This is natural, even a freshman in a freshman year can be comparable to a sophomore!"

" are too confident!" Shen Guoxiong heard this, and suddenly said with a bit of speech, some staring.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "To enter our school, not only do you need to have good academic performance, but you also need to know Chinese medicine!"

"You know Chinese medicine? Are you kidding me? How is this possible?" Shen Guoxiong became anxious when he heard that, "Are you a disciple from a family of Chinese medicine practitioners?"

Mu Yue gently shook his head and said, "Naturally not. I will take a Chinese medicine exam before the college entrance examination. Now I can look and recite Chinese medicine books, such as "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic". "Tang Tou Song" and other most famous works in Chinese medicine!"

After hearing this, Shen Guoxiong frowned, but said with some worry, "You are a bit difficult!"

No one among the current students wants to read this kind of book, let alone memorize it. How could it be possible to pass the test!

"Where there is a will, it will be done! Ning Que is not indiscriminate!" Mu Yue smiled confidently and said, "Of course it will be easier at first, but it will become more and more difficult in the future!"

Now you can choose one book among so many books to recite, and Mu Yue can admit them and choose the best.

As the status of traditional Chinese medicine improves in the future, it may be two or three of several books, or it may be possible to select questions from several books.

It depends on her efforts in the future to improve the status of Chinese medicine in the world, and more people will start to read some Chinese medicine books and learn Chinese medicine from an early age.

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