Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4664: Not enough space for people to sit 1

Those students who got up early and entered the auditorium first, and were not the students of the Chinese Medicine School, were secretly relieved when they heard the broadcast.

"Huh, fortunately fortunately, I finally snatched it!"

"Hehe, it seems that it's not wrong to get up early today!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that so many people would come to listen to Mu Yue's lectures. Fortunately, I came early, otherwise my seat would be gone!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, I can't enter the auditorium even if I come here!"

Knowing that the people outside couldn't come in unexpectedly, looking at this full auditorium, it was secretly thankful that they had all arrived early.

Otherwise, like the people outside, they will be trapped outside and cannot enter, or they will be arranged to listen in another classroom, even Mu Yue can't see it.

Shen Guoxiong saw that these students were unwilling to leave when he heard the announcement on the radio, but felt a little worried and anxious.

These students are really, what are they doing!

Isn't it the same to go to other classrooms to listen? Why are you going to the auditorium!

"I'm afraid this is not good!" The old masters of Chinese medicine frowned, looked at Shen Guoxiong worriedly, and said with caution.

Shen Guoxiong hesitated for a while, walked to the steps in front of the auditorium, and took the speakers of the student union members.

There must be speakers in the school, and depending on the situation, the student union was also prepared, and it happened to be used by Shen Guoxiong.

Shen Guoxiong said to everyone with a loudspeaker, "Students, please be quiet!"

The classmates who were making a fuss, when they heard Shen Guoxiong's words, they all looked up at Shen Guoxiong.

"I'm Shen Guoxiong, Dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Beijing University!" Shen Guoxiong said with a loudspeaker, "I know that everyone is here today for Mu Yue people, all to listen to Mu Yue's lectures, but because Unexpectedly, there are so many people here, resulting in insufficient seats! Here I apologize to you on behalf of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

The person who didn't know Shen Guoxiong originally knew him after hearing his self-introduction, but he didn't expect him to be the dean of the Chinese Medical College.

"Dean Shen, we are all here for Mu Yue's lecture, please let us in, we all listen to Mu Yue's lecture!"

"Yeah! We are going to listen to Mu Yue's lecture, just let us in!"

"President Shen, since you are here, let us all in!"

After all the students understood who the speaker was, they all demanded one after another.

Shen Guoxiong listened to the noisy shouts of these students. Although it was very noisy, he still heard them clearly, that he wanted to go into the auditorium to listen to Mu Yue's lecture.

"Be quiet first!" Shen Guoxiong raised his hand and pressed, letting everyone calm down first, "I know everyone is teaching Mu Yue, but the auditorium is already full of people, and there is no room for other people, other people. If students want to listen, they can only go to the classroom of the teaching building. I have arranged it and turn on all the broadcasts. Anyone who wants to listen to Mu Yue's lecture can listen to it!"

"Dean Shen, that's totally different!"

"Yes, we are here specifically for Mu Yue, listening in person is completely different from listening in other places!"

"We also want to listen to Mu Yue's speech in person!"

"Dean Shen, we want to go in, even if there is no seat, even if we are standing and sitting on the ground, we are willing!"

"Yeah, as long as we can get in, we can sit on the ground without a seat!"

All the students still made strong demands, making fists and screaming over there.

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