Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4665: Not enough space for people to sit 2

Facing the strong demands of these students, Shen Guoxiong felt that the first two were big, and he secretly called Mu Yue to come over.

He only felt that at this moment, only their idol, Mu Yue, could come over to solve the situation in front of him.

At this time, Mu Yue, who was chanted by Shen Guoxiong, was in the car and came to the school.

The little bun patted his hands in excitement, and sat in the car with Mu Yue, "Mom, the baby must also attend class!"

"You!" Mu Yue looked at the excited little bun with a dumbfounded look, and she could only shook her head.

This morning, Mu Yue wanted to go to class without telling the little bun, but the little bun seemed to know her plan. He got up earlier than she and Xiao Junyan, and then clamored to go to class.

In the end, there was no other way but to bring a little bun to school together.

In order to watch the little buns, Nangong Yuehua and Tang Yalan also followed.

"I'm going, but you don't make trouble, don't interfere with your mother's lecture, you know?" Nangong Yuehua said to the little bun in an angry tone.

Originally, she didn't allow Xiao Baozi to come over to listen to Mu Yue's lecture, but everyone in the family agreed.

And seeing that she didn't agree, Xiao Baozi didn't want to talk to her anymore, making Nangong Yuehua a little bit dumbfounded, so she could only agree.

After agreeing, he got a big hug from Xiao Baozi.

When the little bun heard Nangong Yuehua's words, he patted his chest and said, "Grandma, don't worry, the baby is very well-behaved and won't disturb her mother!"

"Oh, you little devil!" Nangong Yuehua could only helplessly shook her head, and shaved Xiao Qiong's nose.

The little bun laughed and sat on the chair, shaking his suspended feet.

When the car came near the auditorium, the driver showed a puzzled look, "There are so many people, I can't get in!"

Mu Yue turned his head suspiciously and saw that there were so many people in front of him, with a look of incomprehension on his face.

"What's the matter? Why are there so many people?" Mu Yue also looked at the situation in front of him with puzzled expression.

However, Mu Yue soon released his consciousness, and soon knew the situation around him.

Unexpectedly, so many people were surrounded here because everyone wanted to listen to Mu Yue's lecture.

The auditorium was already full of people, and there were no more seats to accommodate them. This has caused so many people to be surrounded here.

These were not able to enter the auditorium.

"What happened?" Tang Yalan asked Mu Yue suspiciously.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "I am going to listen to my lecture. The auditorium is full, and these people all want to go into the auditorium!"

"Ah? So many people are here to listen to your lectures?" Nangong Yuehua listened, with an expression of surprise and disbelief on her face.

She never imagined that her daughter would have such a big popularity, there are not enough seats in an auditorium, and there are still so many people going in!

Although Tang Yalan knew that Mu Yue was well-known, she did not expect that there would be so many students willing to listen to her lectures.

And this seems to be a holiday, right? Still willing to come!

"so many people?"

Mu Yue said helplessly, "Yeah, I didn't expect there to be so many people. I will ask the dean first!"

After speaking, he took out his cell phone and called Shen Guoxiong.

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