Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4666: Not enough space for people to sit 3

Shen Guoxiong was suffering from a headache. Suddenly he heard the ringing of his mobile phone, and when he took it out, it turned out to be Mu Yue's. It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao have arrived!

"Hey, Mu Yue, where are you? Come here, it's a big trouble here!" Shen Guoxiong hurriedly asked Mu Yue for help.

Mu Yue said dubiously, "I have already come, but there are too many people, blocking the way of my car!"

"Um!" When Shen Guoxiong heard Mu Yue's words, his face also showed a look of surprise, and then quickly turned his head to see if there was any car that Mu Yue was talking about.

Sure enough, in the dark crowd, I saw the head of a car.

"President, what is going on? Why are there so many people?" Mu Yue asked Shen Guoxiong in confusion.

Shen Guoxiong quickly explained the cause of the matter to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue listened and touched her nose awkwardly.

She didn't expect that this matter was so violent that in addition to those students, many masters of Chinese medicine had come.

"This...isn't the other classrooms in the school?" Mu Yue frowned and asked Shen Guoxiong.

Shen Guoxiong nodded and said, "Yes, they all said they want to watch you lecture with their own eyes, I have no idea, come on!"

Mu Yue sighed helplessly.

After thinking about it, it is estimated that she is the only one who will be the only one at this time, and only she can let them leave here by using Zhu Yushu.

"Wait a minute, I'll come in right away!"

Mu Yue hung up the phone and said to Nangong Yuehua and the others, "I'll take care of it!"

"Yeah!" Nangong Yuehua nodded.

It's just that, before Mu Yue got out of the car, someone had already helped her.

Shen Guoxiong quickly hung up his cellphone and said to everyone with his loudspeaker, "Everyone gave in, Mu Yue is here, Mu Yue is here!"

Hearing the words of Shen Guoxiong's loudspeaker, the students who had been making noise stopped the noise and turned to look around to see if there was any Mu Yue.

Sure enough, some students saw Mu Yue's car and stepped aside to let Mu Yue's car in.

The driver looked at the students who let the road open, with a look of surprise on his face, shocked and admired Mu Yue and said, "Miss, you are so amazing!"

Looking at the situation, Mu Yue showed a dumbfounded look on his face, and said to the driver, "Go ahead, be careful, slow down!"

"Okay!" The driver nodded when he heard it, and drove slowly to the entrance of the auditorium before stopping.

The little bun looked left and right with excitement. Seeing so many students, his little face was full of excitement.

Mu Yue opened the car door and walked out of it.

The students looked at her excitedly.

When Shen Guoxiong saw that Mu Yue was coming, he sighed in relief, and quickly threw the trumpet in his hand to the students nearby, and ran over quickly.

"Oh, Mu Yue, you are finally here!" Shen Guoxiong said with a relieved expression on his face.

Mu Yue looked at Shen Guoxiong, who was sweating profusely, and smiled and apologized, "Dean Shen, I'm really sorry for making you bother with this matter!"

"Ha ha ha... as it should be!" Shen Guoxiong smiled and waved his hand, and said to Mu Yue, "I just didn't expect that your influence is so great that you have attracted so many students to listen to your lectures! "

This is completely unexpected.

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