Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4667: Mu Yue's Charisma 1

The students were extremely excited when they saw Mu Yue's arrival.

Some students who have never seen Mu Yue's real person, when they see Mu Yue, they only feel that they are brighter. They are really more beautiful than the people in the videos and photos.

"Mu Yue, we are here today for you!"

"That's right, we got up early for you, but we didn't expect that we wouldn't let us listen to your lecture!"

"Mu Yue, talk to the dean, let us go in and listen to the class together, we are willing even if we stand!"

"Yes, yes! Mu Yue, let us go in and listen to your lecture!"

One student asked Mu Yue, and the other students also asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue couldn't laugh or cry when faced with the noisy requests from the surrounding students over there, and Shen Guoxiong's face was full of helplessness.

"Everyone is quiet first!" Mu Yue turned his head and said to the students who were talking to him.

Although Mu Yue's voice was not very loud, but with the added internal strength and Zhu Youshu's voice, some agitated students closed their mouths one after another.

When Shen Guoxiong saw this posture, he couldn't help but stared, almost staring out.

He did not expect that Mu Yue's words were so influential that they immediately stopped the tumultuous students.

Seeing the students' reaction, Mu Yue smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "I know that everyone comes here to listen to my lectures, but because of the venue problem, everyone does not have a seat to attend the class. I'm really sorry! "

The students all looked at her with expectant eyes, waiting for her next words.

It's just that when Mu Yue was speaking, he added some Zhu Yushu to prevent these students from making trouble anymore.

"However, the dean told me that now there is a good way to solve it. Everyone can go to the classroom to listen to the class, and the radio in the school will also be connected, and I can hear my lectures everywhere!" Mu Yue smiled Said to the students.

When Shen Guoxiong heard Mu Yue's words, his whole heart was raised, and he was afraid that these students would start to oppose it again, and they would start to make a fuss and reluctant to leave.

However, the development of the matter was completely different from what he had imagined, and none of the students made a fuss, which was completely different from what he had just said.

"Don't worry, even if you go to other classrooms to listen, it will be the same as I was in the auditorium!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "Moreover, the school also arranges a videographer to record all the content of my lecture today. I will Put this video on our Huafeng video website, if you want to watch it, you can also go to my Huafeng video website in the future! And there will also be a video of my lecture on the website of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of our school, and everyone can watch it too. !"

When he heard Mu Yue's words, almost all the students' eyes lit up.

This means that they can listen to Mu Yue's lecture properly in the future, and some students who come with tape recorders in their hands feel that the things in their hands are rubbish.

It’s just that recording is better than video.

Seeing this posture, Shen Guoxiong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

She knew that Mu Yue should be able to succeed with this statement, and believed that these students should give her this face.

But what he didn't know was that it was not the face that the student gave to Mu Yue, but the Zhu Youshu used by Mu Yue to appease him.

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