Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4668: Mu Yue's Charisma 2

Mu Yue added Zhu Youshu's comfort and comfort. The students nodded and agreed, and then slowly left the place and headed to the nearby classroom.

Seeing these leaving students, Shen Guoxiong secretly took a sip and wiped the sweat off his face.

They didn't expect that Mu Yue's influence was so great that these students would directly agree to leave.

Shen Guoxiong smiled admiringly and said to Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, it seems that I, the Dean of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, can't beat you in a word!"

Mu Yue smiled at Shen Guoxiong and said, "Dean, that's because you didn't mention the recording of the video!"

Shen Guoxiong listened for a moment, thought about it, it seemed like this, and said with a smile, "It seems that I am always confused. I should tell them!"

"Okay, the matter is solved! There is no problem now, right?" Mu Yue smiled secretly and asked Shen Guoxiong.

She didn't want Shen Guoxiong to know that she used Zhu Youshu to let these students listen to her obediently.

If they knew, they would have to surround themselves there again, and the students would probably surround themselves.

Shen Guoxiong said with a smile, "Naturally, there is no more, Mu Yue, you should hurry in with us, time is almost there!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, then touched her nose, and said in a slight embarrassment, "Dean Shen, I'm sorry, I originally promised my son to play, but because of me I want to give a lecture to everyone, Xiao Baozi insists on coming over, you see..."

With that, Nangong Yuehua and the others opened the door of the car while the students were leaving, and the little bun jumped out of the car excitedly.

As soon as the little bun appeared, she ran to Mu Yue excitedly, holding her legs, leaning up her little head, and her immature little face was full of admiration.

"Mom..." The little bun called Mu Yue excitedly.

I saw so many people around my mother just now. As soon as my mother spoke, these people stopped yelling, and then left after listening to her mother's words.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Baozi showed a look of admiration to Mu Yue, and her mother was really amazing.

Shen Guoxiong stared at the little bun who was holding Mu Yue's thigh.

"This one……"

He also heard about the little bun's visit to the school before, and there was still a big wave in the school!

As Mu Yue's son, he was cute and well-behaved. Later, he attracted Xiao Junyan to the university, and hit the little bun's **** in front of everyone, making him cry over there.

Then Xiao Junyan directly hugged Xiao Baozi and Mu Yue and left the school. This was definitely an incident in the school.

Now that Xiao Baozi appeared again, he was also a little helpless and dumbfounded.

"Mom is a baby!" Xiao Baozi stared at his big round eyes, looked at Shen Guoxiong, and said domineeringly.

When Shen Guoxiong heard this, he burst out laughing, this little bun is really cute!

"Well, your mother is yours!" Shen Guoxiong said to the little bun with a smile, "Little bun, you also go to class with your mother, okay?"

When the little bun heard this, he smiled happily, and immediately became very cunning and said. "Thank you Grandpa!"

Shen Guoxiong was taken aback by the sudden change of the little bun. He was very hostile to him just now, and now he has become so well-behaved, he feels a little flattered!

"Hahaha, okay, okay, walk around!" Shen Guoxiong laughed.


Thanks Katze and 。゚Luo for your tips! Oh, refill!

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