Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4676: Forget the time when attending class 4

Mu Yue and the others went to eat, and none of the students in the seats continued to sit in the auditorium.

"Go to lunch first!"

The people in the Chinese Medicine School are all excited to go to lunch. For them, there is nothing to worry about.

However, some other students are worried about their seats.

I thought that they were different from the students of the Chinese Medicine School. Their seats were taken by themselves, not arranged by the school.

Only the student seat of the Chinese Medicine School is fixed, others can't take it away, but they can't!

"You have to eat lunch quickly, so you can come back early, so that your seat won't be robbed again!"

"Ah, when it comes to seats, I really can't eat!"

"Damn, I can't go!"

"What if we go and others take the opportunity to enter?"

"Brother, although I don't know you, but he is at the same table after sitting for a long time anyway, or let's cooperate!"

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?"

"I will help you look at the seat, and then you will bring me something to eat, or if I go out and buy it, you will look at the seat for me!"

"Well, that's a good idea, I'll go! I'll just take it over and eat it!"

Except for the seats in the Chinese Medicine School, the students who were grabbed from the other seats were motionless and didn't want to leave.

Because they took their seats, they were worried that after they left, if they arrived late, someone else would steal their seats.

Ever since, they are cooperating with each other, or they are sitting next to their friends, one goes out to buy food, and then the other sits here to see their seats.

This also led to a strange phenomenon in the entire auditorium.

In one place, no one was seated, and people went thoroughly. On the other, the students sat sparsely, still discussing Mu Yue's lectures with each other.

"Hey, I didn't expect Mu Yue's lecture to be so good!"

"Yeah, I actually understood everything, and it made me want to study Chinese medicine! It's a pity that I chose architecture!"

"Regret, regret, if I had chosen Chinese medicine, how high would it be!"

"Yes, my college entrance examination scores can be admitted to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"Me too, regret it!"

"I feel that if I have been listening to Mu Yue's lectures, I will be able to pass the TCM qualification certificate!"

"I think so too! If it weren't for too many majors, I would have already applied for transfer to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"It's a pity that I'm going to graduate soon, even if I can do it, I can't do it!"

The students sitting in the seats talked to each other.

Xiang Tianhe stretched his waist, glanced at the auditorium, curled his lips, really can't stand Mu Yue!

This girl is really getting more and more perverted, how can this make normal people like them live!

Yes, in Xiang Tianhe's heart, Mu Yue was already a perverted evildoer, not a normal person.

Among their friends, he came alone, and the others didn't want to be hit by Mu Yue again.

Moreover, Mu Yue also told them that if they want to watch it, they can watch it on Huafeng Video in the future, the same!

Xiang Tianhe walked out of the auditorium, watching everyone leave in groups, and students walking in to see if there are seats.

It's just that the students who came in wanted to grab a seat, but they couldn't, because the seats were already there.

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