Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4677: Enthusiastic old Chinese doctors 1

Mu Yue and others came to the cafeteria and asked the kitchen to get some liquid food for the small buns, steamed cakes that the small buns could eat, and so on.

Some of the little buns that were already so hungry and howling were ate directly and ate them with relish.

"Hehehe... The little bun is so cute!"

The old people in the room looked at the cute appearance of the little buns, and their eyes were full of deep pampering and love.

Mu Yue smiled and touched the little bun's head, "Eat slowly!"

"Hmm!" The little bun nodded his little head, holding the brown sugar steamed cake in a small hand, "Mom, eat!"

Mu Yue smiled and shook his head, and said softly, "You eat it yourself!"

The little bun suddenly showed a big and bright smile, opened his small mouth and took a bite.

"Everyone eat!" Mu Yue looked up and said to everyone.

Shen Guoxiong smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, yes, eat!"

"Come on, Mu Yue, we old guys use tea instead of wine. Thank you for your lecture today. The half-day lecture has really benefited us!" An old Chinese doctor picked up the tea cup in front of him. Said with a smile to Mu Yue.

"Although you are younger than us, but your Chinese medicine skills surpass ours, we are happy to surrender!"

Some other old Chinese doctors also picked up their own tea cups one after another and offered tea to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue picked up the tea cup and said with a smile, "Thank you, seniors!"

Everyone drank the tea in their cups one after another, and everyone's face was very happy.

"Mu Yue, your medical skills are already so good, and your teaching ability is more like a teacher than our teachers, why go to school!" An old Chinese doctor asked Mu Yue inexplicably.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "You old seniors should also know that I plan to build a Chinese medicine school and a Chinese medicine affiliated hospital by myself!"

"Well! We all know about this!"

The old Chinese doctors nodded their heads. Naturally, they are very clear and very concerned about this.

At the beginning, they didn't pay attention, but since Mu Yue announced that he would invest all the money made by the Chinese Medicine Winery and Lingcha Garden into the establishment of the Chinese Medicine School and the Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital, this has to arouse their attention.

Mu Yue said with a smile, “I actually disagree with the current teaching of Chinese medicine. After this semester of study, I found that the teacher’s teaching is carried out step by step with books. The students will only be confused when they listen. More, the understanding of Chinese medicine is more confused. Finally, after graduating from university, there are too few people who can really use Chinese medicine to treat patients!"


The old Chinese doctors were a little red when they heard it, but they nodded in agreement.

They know that this is a fact, and they want to change everything, but they can't help it. They can't do it!

Seeing that these old TCM doctors agree with him, Mu Yue smiled and said, “So, I’m still in school now, just want to study the teaching methods in school, and then I start my work in my school of Chinese medicine. A new solution designed!"

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, the faces of these old Chinese doctors were shocked and unbelievable.

They didn't expect that Mu Yue would have such a plan. No wonder she would continue to stay in school. It turned out that she had such a big plan!

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