Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4679: Enthusiastic old Chinese doctors 3

Shen Guoxiong stared at those old Chinese doctors who were blowing beards, and he was actually ahead of him.

When Mu Yue heard the words of the old Chinese medicine doctor, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "It is my duty to promote Chinese medicine. If my books can help Chinese medicine, I will naturally be very happy!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Shen Guoxiong no longer stared at these old Chinese doctors, but turned his attention to Mu Yue, his eyes full of excitement and anticipation.

"Mu Yue, what you said is true? Are you really willing to give it to us?" Shen Guoxiong asked Mu Yue in disbelief.

Mu Yue shrugged helplessly and said, "Actually, I haven't written this book yet. If I want to write it out, I guess it will be good with my school by then!"

"It's all right, we just hope you give it to us!" Shen Guoxiong said to Mu Yue excitedly.

The other old Chinese doctors also said indifferently, "Yes, as long as you give it to us!"

Mu Yue said worriedly, "Will the book change affect it?"

"It's okay!" The old Chinese doctors waved their hands.

"Yes, it will definitely not have an impact!"

Shen Guoxiong said with a smile, "It really doesn't work, you can start an elective course to check the situation!"

"Well, that's right!" The other old Chinese doctors also nodded in agreement.

Moreover, they do not think that changing the basis of Chinese medicine will have a big impact.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, and said, "Well, but I haven't prepared yet!"

"Nothing, nothing, no hurry, no hurry!"

"Yeah, don't worry, take your time, after all, this is also a significant impact!"

"More haste less speed!"

"I believe you will be able to write a good book!"

After listening, the old Chinese doctors waved their hands and said with a smile.

They will not feel anxious if they have this book in two years. After all, this is a great book that may change the entire teaching program of Chinese medicine!

Facing the attitude of these old Chinese doctors, Mu Yue could only smile awkwardly and secretly joy in her heart.

She wants to change the pattern of Chinese medicine. It is certainly not enough to rely on her own Chinese medicine school. Other schools are also needed.

Otherwise, she would not agree to some exchanges and cooperation from other schools.

If other schools follow the same teaching methods as their schools, I believe that those students' Chinese medicine skills will get better and better. When they graduate from university, they will be able to have better medical skills to treat more people and rectify the name of Chinese medicine.

Shen Guoxiong still caringly said to Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, after you write it, let us see it first!"

"Yes, yes, let us see first!" These old Chinese doctors nodded their heads.

They also want to see first whether this book is worthy of a change of course for them.

Mu Yue nodded gently, and said with a smile, "Okay, I will give you some books first!"

"Hahaha, good!" Shen Guoxiong laughed, and said to everyone with his chopsticks, "Stop talking, let's go on, this meal is going to be cold!"

"Yes, eat and eat!"

Everyone ate the dishes happily, and Mu Yue also chatted with them from time to time. Some old Chinese doctors even asked their doubts about Chinese medicine in their hearts, and Mu Yue was also very careful to solve them.

This also helped these old Chinese medicine practitioners understand Chinese medicine and relieved them of a lot of confusion.

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