Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4680: The number of people attending the class has increased by 1

Mu Yue's lectures were just a noon time, and they were spread not only in the Beijing University, but also in other surrounding universities.

Some students who didn't go home late for Mu Yue, heard the people in their school talking about Mu Yue's lectures, and suddenly became curious.

"Really? Is it such an exaggeration?"

"It's not an exaggeration, okay, the auditorium is not allowed to enter at all, and finally, in order to be able to be heard by everyone, the entire Beijing University radio is broadcasting Mu Yue's lecture!"

"No? How could it be possible that the entire Beijing University radio is broadcast!"

"Do you not believe it? If you don't believe it, you can go to Beijing University to listen to it. You can hear it at one o'clock in the afternoon!"

"Hey, it's still impossible to go to the auditorium in the afternoon. I can only find a seat in the classroom to sit and listen to the class!"

"I really admire Mu Yue, she is even more like a teacher than a teacher!"

"Yeah, our school teacher lectures, I want to sleep, so Mu Yue, I forgot to go to the toilet! I'm numb, come back to my senses, it made me almost wet my pants!"

"Hahaha, I thought I had just eaten breakfast, but I didn't expect that it was already noon. I have never sat down for a long time without knowing I'm hungry!"

"Even if I play games, I have never been so exaggerated. I sit down for a long time!"

"Mu Yue is simply my idol, really amazing!"

"You are too exaggerated, how can it be!"

"Yes, it's too exaggerated, I don't believe it!"

Those who didn't listen to Mu Yue's lecture were all talking over there, not believing that Mu Yue's lecture was really so good.

"If you don't believe me, you can listen to it!"

"That is, you have nothing to do anyway, you can listen to it, there is no loss anyway!"

"I don't believe that you can listen to it yourself, I believe you must be the same as us!"

Facing those who hadn't heard the lecture, they didn't believe it, and everyone who admired Mu Yue rolled their eyes and complained.

"Huh, just go!"

"Is Mu Yue really that great? Then I'll go and listen!"

"Anyway, there is nothing to do in the afternoon, so let's go shopping!"

As a result, there are far more people attending classes in the afternoon than in the morning.

Everyone went to the class in groups, which resulted in a lot more students in the surrounding classrooms.

"Wow, why are there so many people? Are they all here to listen to Mu Yue's lectures?"

"Really? Is this listening to another teacher's class, or Mu Yue's class!"

These newcomers are shocked and puzzled.

"Are you new here? Didn't you come this morning?"

"At first glance, you are new here. We are all here to listen to Mu Yue's lecture. There is no place in the auditorium, we can only stay here!"

"They are all here to listen to Mu Yue's lectures, so please find a free seat!"

"Haha, I tell you, you are here, after listening, you will definitely not want to leave!"

"Yes, after you listen to it, it will definitely be a worthwhile trip! Mu Yue's lecture is definitely the best class I have ever heard!"

Seeing these new classmates listening to Mu Yue's lecture, the classmates who had already heard this morning all laughed.

They all pulled their companions over, let alone other people!

He must have called his companions over to listen to Mu Yue's lecture.


Thanks katze for your reward! muah!

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