Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4692: Preparing to take a wedding photo 1

Mu Yue was going to take wedding photos, waiting leisurely for Xiao Junyan to arrange.

And she also received a call from Su Mu.

"Su Mu, why would you call me?" Mu Yue glanced at the caller ID and asked with a smile.

Su Mu laughed loudly when he heard Mu Yue's inquiry, and said, "Mu Dong, don't you know the news outside?"

"The news? What news?" Mu Yue was taken aback when she heard it, and asked in a puzzled way.

Su Mu smiled and said, "The video of your lecture is very popular! The click-through rate keeps rising!"

Hearing Su Mu's explanation, Mu Yue suddenly understood that it was her own lecture video.

Mu Yue asked with a somewhat curious tone, "Oh! How prosperous?"

"Originally it was only spread in the student circle! Now many people are watching it!" Su Mu said with a smile, "I put Mu Dong's lecture video on the big screen of the homepage. Don't watch too many people! "


Mu Yue felt ashamed when she heard Su Mu's explanation.

If you don't put the big screen on the homepage, it will definitely not be so popular, because this guy put his lecture video on the big screen, it will have such a big effect.

"It's you!" Mu Yue said irritably.

Su Mu didn't feel embarrassed, but smiled and said triumphantly, "If it weren't for Mu Dong, your lecture was good, even if it was the big screen I put on the homepage, no one would watch it! It's even more prosperous than those TV shows! "

If it weren't for this guy, I guess I wouldn't have made such a big sensation even if I was teaching.

Mu Yue said dubiously, "Enough for you!"

"Oh, Mu Dong, the comment area is now a big fire, and it's all praise!" Su Mu smiled while calling and looking at the large comment area. It turned out to be complaints.

And this complaint was not to scold Mu Yue, but to complain that Mu Yue was too good at giving lectures and made them forget their own affairs.

Because I forgot to date, I was beaten up by my girlfriend and signed a lot of unequal treaties.

In addition, the soup in the pot was accidentally boiled, almost causing a fire.

Either it was because of watching Mu Yue's lecture, staying up until the morning, and in the end, not only was he late for work, he was scolded by the boss, and even the bonus was deducted.

But, at least these complaints are proof of how good Mu Yue's lectures are, attracting these audiences to watch.

Some people read the comments first, and after they read the comments, they would like to skip and watch them, or to speed up the speed, but they saw the end a minute before, and they forgot everything.

"Well, I see!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and said calmly.

If it's not that good, how come there are so many students willing to listen to her lectures?

Moreover, this is still of great benefit to the development of Chinese medicine in the future.

It would be a good result if it can set off an upsurge in learning Chinese medicine.

Su Mu smashed his mouth, said helplessly, "Mu Dong, you are really not surprised!"

Mu Yue curled his lips and said, "That's because I had already expected it, but I didn't expect you to put this video on the big screen!"

"Hey!" Su Mu laughed and said, "Isn't this very good? This is also very good for Mu Dong, you promote Chinese medicine!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded lightly, "You can do this as you please, let's keep the video!"



Thank you Li Xiaofeng 18186834885, Xiaoxiao, the edge of love and Katze for your rewards! Oh, refill! Your support is the driving force of my codeword!

I was busy and tired yesterday at 0:00, I fell asleep first, and forgot to update, I’m so sorry!

However, please rest assured that this article will never be updated. Either I have forgotten so much, I can comment and leave a message, or I will give it to me in the group!

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