Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4693: Preparing to take a wedding photo 2

When Xiao Junyan arranged the wedding photos, he took Mu Yue and Xiao Baozi to take photos together.

Originally, this wedding photo was taken by Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, but Xiao Baozi wanted to go too.

Then, Nangong Yuehua and Tang Yalan, who were worried about the little buns, also followed, and then even the idle Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin, who had been on vacation, also followed, wanting to see Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan taking their wedding photos.

Du Xueqin looked at the specially renovated factory building with a surprised look on her face, and asked Xiao Junyan, "Cousin, are you making this temporary construction?"

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "Hmm!"

"Are you exaggerating too?" Du Xueqin couldn't help but twitched the muscles at the corner of her mouth, vomiting.

It was just taking a wedding photo. Unexpectedly, Xiao Junyan even set up the venue temporarily, not the studio's own.

Mu Yue also turned to look at Xiao Junyan, and said, "It's not necessary!"

"It's okay, it's worth it for you!" Xiao Junyan lowered his head and said to Mu Yue dozingly.

Since you want to give Mu Yue a memorable wedding, you must do your best, whether it's getting married or taking wedding photos.

Xiao Fengyi put one hand on Du Xueqin's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Xueqin, do you feel that you have been fed a mouthful of dog food?"

"Well, it's really a mouthful of dog food. I don't think I can eat lunch anymore!" Du Xueqin nodded in agreement, and the expression in Xiao Junyan's eyes was full of ridicule.

When the staff of the photography company saw Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue coming, they ran over quickly, with a bright smile on their faces, "Young Master Xiao, Madam Young, you are here!"

Xiao Junyan was very satisfied with what these people called Mu Yue, and nodded softly, "Well, very good!"

The staff member received Xiao Junyan's praise, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Junyan said to Mu Yue, "Let’s put on makeup first!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently.

Two makeup artists came over and said to Mu Yue, "Madam, come with us!"

Called Madam Young by these two makeup artists, Mu Yue had a blush on her cheeks, and she nodded gently, "Let's go!"

"Young Master Xiao, let's put some makeup on you too!" the staff member said to Xiao Junyan.

"Good!" Xiao Junyan agreed without hesitation.

He doesn't like makeup on his face, but he still needs some touch-ups and waxing of his hair when taking wedding photos.

As soon as the little bun heard it, his mouth flattened, "You want the baby, and the baby also needs to take pictures with mom!"

"This..." When the staff heard Xiao Baozi's words, there was an embarrassment on their faces, and some didn't know how to answer.

Xiao Junyan glanced at the little bun and said, "Go and play!"

The little bun was very aggrieved and pursed his little mouth, then turned and complained, "Grandma, grandma, dad bully the baby!"

Looking at this posture, Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin burst into laughter.

"Come and come, Xiao Baozi, your father won't change your clothes, and your aunt will take you to buy clothes, okay? Then take pictures with your mother?" Xiao Fengyi asked Xiao Baozi with a smile.

Xiao Baozi's eyes lit up and nodded frequently, "Aunt, Aunt is the best!"

"Let's go!" Xiao Fengyi didn't mind making some "little troubles" for her brother.

Du Xueqin also exclaimed excitedly, "Walk around, let's buy clothes!"

Anyway, it takes time for Mu Yue to put on makeup. Xiao Baozi buys and changes clothes quickly, and it will take another day to shoot!

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