Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4696: Take indoor wedding photos 2

Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue took pictures, and the pictures of the two had bright and happy smiles on their faces.

In order to ensure the quality of the photos, a lot of photos were taken, so you can select and modify them when the time comes.

At the end of the filming, the cameraman said, "Young Master Xiao, the filming is done here, let's change another place!"

"Good!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

As soon as the little bun was finished, he cried out, "Baby wants to take pictures, baby wants to take pictures with mom!"

A certain little meat group screamed and ran to Mu Yue's face.

"Baby wants to take pictures with mom!"

Mu Yue looked at the little bun next to her leg and couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, take a few photos of the little bun!"

After hearing this, the little bun pushed Xiao Junyan even more happily, "Daddy let go, baby and mom have taken pictures!"

Xiao Junyan couldn't move the little bun, but he didn't push him away after exhausting his strength, which made him a little anxious.

"Okay, little bun, take pictures together!" Mu Yue smiled and touched the little bun, soothing him.

The little bun was stubbornly pursing her little mouth, "But the baby wants to take pictures with her mother!"

"It's the same! You treat dad as air, and it doesn't exist!" Mu Yue said with a smile to the little bun.

Today they came to take a wedding photo. If Xiao Junyan is pushed away, it is estimated that someone will disregard her obstruction and have to beat Xiao Baozi severely.

The little bun looked at Xiao Junyan, snorted proudly, and said with a grin, "Taking pictures with my mother!"

Xiao Junyan's dark and deep eyes narrowed slightly, and he really wanted to throw him to the ends of the world.

Mu Yue gave Xiao Junyan a gentle smile, "Okay, don't be familiar with children, okay?"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue, then snorted at the little bun, "Listen to you!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, really afraid that this guy would hit a little bun.

The little bun held Mu Yue's thigh and waved his fleshy little hand towards the cameraman, "Uncle, hurry up, the baby wants to take pictures with his mother!"

The cameraman was still a little worried, but since Xiao Junyan and the others agreed, they quickly took some pictures of them.

Little Bun was happy with satisfaction, Xiao Junyan put his arms around Mu Yue's shoulders and said, "Let's go to the next venue to take pictures!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, and took Xiao Baozi and Xiao Junyan to the next venue.

Next, Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue took pictures first, and then Xiao Baozi forcibly joined in, and they also had to take pictures together.

Although a certain man was very dissatisfied with the behavior of a certain little devil, he still held back and didn't beat him severely.

This also led to the fact that after not photographing a venue, Xiao Baozi strongly requested to take pictures together.

Fortunately, after a whole day, I still finished the indoor wedding photos.

But after all this tossing, Mu Yue only felt that it was more tiring than her sprinting for a day!

"Are you tired?" Xiao Junyan asked distressedly looking at the exhaustion in Mu Yue's eyes.

Mu Yue smiled and shook her head, "Not tired!"

Xiao Junyan only frowned and said, "It should be divided into two days. You will be very tired in one day!"

"I'm not tired, but I am having fun!" Mu Yue said with a slight smile after hearing it.

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and kissed her cheek gently, "Go back and I will massage you!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue suddenly showed an excited smile, expecting Xiao Junyan to massage herself.

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