Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4697: Take indoor wedding photos 3

After Mu Yue took off her makeup, she went home with Xiao Junyan and the others.

When Mr. Mu saw them coming back, he smiled and asked, "Is the wedding photo taken?"

"Yeah! The indoor shot is ready!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently, and said.

Elder Mu smiled and said, "Well, good, just take a good photo! When will the finished photo be available?"

"It will take a few days!" Xiao Junyan said, and turned to the kitchen to make Lingcha for Mu Yue.

Mu Yue pressed her shoulder and sat on the sofa, "I didn't expect it to be so tiring taking wedding photos!"

"Ha ha ha..." Nangong Yuehua said dozingly, "You know that you are tired, and you wanted me and your dad to take pictures at the beginning!"

Mu Yue spit out his tongue and said grinning, "Isn't this that I haven't filmed yet? I don't know!"

Nangong Yuehua rolled her eyes at Mu Yue anger.

The little bun climbed onto the sofa, clenched his hands into fists, and thumped Mu Yue's shoulders.

Mu Yue saw the little bun's behavior, her face showed a happy smile, "Little bun is really good!"

The little bun shook his head and flaunted, "The baby is very good, better than his father!"

"Yes!" Mu Yue nodded and touched Xiao Baozi's head.

When the voice fell, Xiao Junyan's voice appeared in his ears, "Drink tea!"

Mu Yue was taken aback for a moment, turned to look at the tea cup that was handed to him, then looked up to see Xiao Junyan's dark face, and her neck shrank secretly in her heart.

"Jun Yan, you are so kind!" Mu Yue said with a smile quickly.

Xiao Junyan let out a soft snort in his nose, and he was quite satisfied with Mu Yue's words.

"In a few days we will go to the outdoor shooting, go to the beach, are you free?" Xiao Junyan asked Mu Yue concerned.

Mu Yue nodded, her eyes flashed with excitement, "Okay! The beach, I don't seem to have actually been to the beach to play!"

Whether it’s a past life or now, I haven’t gone to the beach to play well, I really want to play, such as diving, it should be fun!

When Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue's words, a look of guilt flashed in his eyes, and he took Mu Yue into his arms, "This time, we will stop by and play and come back!"

Elder Mu raised his head and glanced at Mu Yue, a touch of distress flashed across his old face.

Indeed, before Mu Yue went home, life was unsatisfactory, even if she made money later, she was either busy studying or busy with company affairs every day.

After returning to Mu's house, various things continued one after another, and there was no free thing to play.

Therefore, Mu Yue has gone to the beach to play, which makes Mr. Mu still feel very sorry for his baby granddaughter.

After all, among the children of the capital family, none of them have gone to the beach. It is estimated that except for the little nanny, everyone else has been there, only Mu Yue has not!

"Yes, play more. Anyway, it's nothing big right now, just take a break!" Elder Mu nodded and said to Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, "Jun Yan, take Xiao Yue'er and have fun. come back!"

When Mu Yue heard this, he was a little bit dumbfounded, "I'll play for a few days, let's forget it!"

"No, you must go!" Xiao Junyan frowned and said, "You have been tired for so long, so you can relax!"

Mu Yue raised her eyes to look at Xiao Junyan, her eyes were touched, after thinking about it, she nodded, "Okay, let's go and have fun!"

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