Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4705: Arrived in Qiongzhou 2

Several people randomly found a vendor, ordered a few dishes, and everyone got a coconut.

For the little buns, I ordered a few dishes that the little buns can eat.

The little bun sat in Xiao Junyan's arms, staring at the swollen Dongdong, pointing her little finger, "Dad, what is this?"

"This is a coconut, come on, drink it, how good is it!" Xiao Junyan took the coconut and gave the little bun a drink.

The little bun stared at Xiao Junyan, took a sip, his eyes lit up, "Sweet!"

"Is it delicious?" Du Xueqin asked the little bun with a grin.

The little bun nodded his little head, "Well, it's delicious, but more!"

"Come on, hold yourself and drink it!" Xiao Junyan directly gave the coconut to the little bun and let him drink it by himself.

Du Xueqin asked Xiao Baozi jokingly, "Have you never drunk it?"

The little bun nodded his little head, and counterattacked, "The baby is still young and hasn't drunk it. It's normal!"

Du Xueqin couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard Xiao Baozi's words.

"Hahaha..." Mu Ziheng couldn't help laughing.

Du Xueqin turned her head and stared at Mu Ziheng fiercely, and exclaimed in dissatisfaction, "What a laugh!"

Mu Ziheng smiled triumphantly, "I'm such an adult, but I still bullied Xiao Baozi, and I was rebutted if I didn't bully!

"Damn it! You're looking for death!" Du Xueqin stomped on Mu Ziheng's feet fiercely. Suddenly, the pain caused Mu Ziheng to cover her instep.

Mu Ziheng turned his head and shouted at Du Xueqin dissatisfied, "Dead woman, what are you doing!"

"Humph!" Du Xueqin snorted proudly, turning her head and not looking at Mu Ziheng, with an expression that you deserved.

"Well, you two live treasures, don't quarrel!" Mu Yue helplessly helped them to comfort them.

Xiao Baozi smiled at the sight of his aunt and uncle being taught by his mother.

Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng heard Xiao Baozi's laugh, and turned to stare at Xiao Gui.

Nangong Yuehua glanced at the children with a smile, then turned to ask Mu Yue, "Yue'er, are you taking all-day wedding photos tomorrow?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and asked Xiao Junyan, "How long do you plan to shoot?"

Xiao Junyan explained, "There are not many shots, just two sets! You can finish the shots in a little more than half a day!"

The time to be shot has already been shot, and there is no need to take too much outdoor shots. She is also afraid that Mu Yue will be exhausted.

"Yeah!" Nangong Yuehua said with a smile, "This is also good, after the filming is done tomorrow, we can play the day after tomorrow!"

Mu Yue also smiled and said expectantly, "Well! You can go to the sea to play!"

"I have arranged the speedboat, and it can be delivered tomorrow, and we can also take pictures on the speedboat!" Xiao Junyan said with his arms around Mu Yue's shoulders.

Mu Yue's eyes lit up when she heard it, "This is not bad too, take a few pictures on the speedboat!"

It is estimated that those who take wedding photos in later generations, even if they come here, can only use the speedboat as the background, and cannot take pictures on the speedboat.

The little bun raised the coconut in his hand aggrievedly, "Dad, no more!"

"So soon?" Xiao Junyan frowned.

The little bun said expectantly, "Well, no more! More!"

"Don't worry, you can still eat inside!" Mu Yue smiled and said.

When Xiao Junyan heard it, he grabbed the empty coconut and pinched it. The coconut was broken into several pieces and placed on the table.

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