Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4706: Arrived in Qiongzhou 3

Seeing Xiao Junyan's behavior, Mu Ziheng suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the coconut on the table. He secretly wiped himself a cold sweat in his heart, and couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls.

"Brother-in-law is so strong!"

He has also opened coconuts himself, knowing that it is difficult to cut a hole in a coconut.

However, Xiao Junyan squeezed the coconut to smash with a casual pinch. It's really strong!

Mu Yue dug out coconut meat for the little bun, and gave it to the little bun, "Come on, eat coconut meat!"

The little bun opened her mouth and took a bite, her eyes narrowed into a gap, "It's delicious!"

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Here, you can let go of your stomach to eat, and eat after you go back, but you don't have the original taste here!"

"Okay!" When the little bun heard this, he patted his hands excitedly, "The baby wants to eat!"

Xiao Junyan spoiled and said to Mu Yue, "If you want to eat, you can drink it as water!"

He knew that Mu Yue had never been here before, so he also met all her requirements and wanted her to eat enough.

"Okay!" Mu Yue also laughed, and said expectantly.

The waiter brought Mu Yue and their dishes the same, and the little bun was standing on the stool excitedly, eating with a little spoon excitedly.

"Eating so much, I'm not afraid to eat and support a little fat man!" Mu Yue couldn't help joking as she watched the little bun's mouth bulging.

With a bright smile on the little bun's face, he said hurriedly, "The baby is like a mother, but he is not a little fat man!"

"Little bullshit!" Mu Yue couldn't turn her eyes when she heard it.

Nangong Yuehua also smiled and said to the little bun, "That is, our little bun is so cute, but he is a handsome boy when he grows up!"

"Of course!" The little bun said, raising his chin peacefully.

The little bun smiled, seeing the prawns brought by the waiter, his eyes lit up, and the little finger pointed, "Mom, baby want to eat!"

"This can't be eaten! It's spicy!" Mu Yue comforted the little bun patiently.

The little bun pursed her mouth, "But it looks so delicious!"

"Snack goods, this can't be eaten, there are others, you will be able to eat it soon!" Mu Yue said to Xiao Baozi with a smile.

The little bun listened, bit his little finger aggrievedly, and looked at the dishes on the table eagerly, but he couldn't eat it, and suspicious crystal liquid dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the cute appearance of the little bun, Nangong Yuehua and the others couldn't help but laugh when they saw it. It was so cute.

"Little bun, if you don't eat it, we will eat it!" Du Xueqin, who had lost money here just now, said proudly to the little bun.

Little Bun bulged his small mouth, stared at his big dark eyes, and looked at Du Xueqin resentfully.

"Haha..." Du Xueqin only felt that she had won, and smiled triumphantly.

The little bun took a fierce bite of the coconut meat in his little hand, as if this thing was Du Xueqin and wanted to see her swallow it raw.

Xiao Junyan looked at the appearance of the little bun and shook his head helplessly.

Until the things that the little buns can eat, Mu Yue helped the little buns get a little bit for him to eat, it was considered to alleviate the grievances and resentments in a certain little buns' heart.

The little buns finally got the good things they wanted to eat, and in the end they had a bulging belly, and they were very satisfied.

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