Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4722: Dare to bully my wife 1

The yacht arrived at the pier in the sluggishness of the crowd.

As the yacht passed by, the huge waves rolled, shaking the boats at the pier up and down.

Xiao Junyan jumped down from the yacht, and the face that was more mature and handsome than the little bun appeared in front of everyone.

When the little bun saw Xiao Junyan appear, he opened his arms in excitement and rushed at him, "Dad!"

Xiao Junyan took the little bun into his arms, and walked to Mu Yue's face with a smile.

"Wife, wait a long time!" Xiao Junyan's magnetic voice came to everyone's ears.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and walked in front of Xiao Junyan, "No, it's not long before!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

Mu Yue did not file a complaint, but that does not mean that others did not file a complaint.

As soon as the little bun saw Xiao Junyan coming and was still in his arms, he only felt that he had found a backer. He pointed to the son who was knocked down on the ground by himself, and said in a complaint, "Dad, these people are good or bad, they must bully their mother. !"

When the young men saw Xiao Junyan's arrival, they were already stunned.

In fact, the yacht that Xiao Junyan descended from shocked them too much.

Compared with your own yachts, it's really bad, okay?

It's simply incomparable, one in the sky and one underground.

Although they can't afford it, it doesn't mean they don't understand.

Because they also want to pretend to be X. After getting to know it, they can pick up girls and tell if the other party can offend.

Just such a yacht, it is estimated that a few of them, even if they are bankrupt, may not be able to buy it!

Even other people can only be greedy, if you can go up, thank God, and show off all kinds of X when you go back.

What they didn't expect was that the person who got on and off the yacht turned out to be the father who beat their little milk baby!

Seeing Xiao Junyan holding the little bun in his arms, and even calling Mu Yue his wife, he felt thunder billowing above his head.

Now when I heard Xiao Baozi "the wicked complained first", he wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

They want to ask, who is bullying whom!

However, they never thought about whether they really wanted to bully Mu Yue just now, but they didn't succeed in bullying.

And after Xiao Baozi's voice fell, they felt a cold gaze stealing towards them.

"You guys!" Xiao Junyan's voice was extremely cold, and the dark and deep eyes looked at them as if they were looking at the dead.

These elder brothers didn't know why, but when Xiao Junyan's eyes saw him, he felt like he was walking around in a ghost gate.

Moreover, they moved their bodies back subconsciously.

"No, no... it's not us!"

"We did nothing, we did nothing!"

"We didn't do it!"

Each of these frightened brothers was trembling with fright, sweating from his body, and trembling when he said what he said.

At this moment, they really regret it, regretting that they shouldn't covet Muyue, and shouldn't molest others.

It's miserable now!

They don't know who Xiao Junyan is, but just seeing him get off such a yacht worth more than 100 million yuan, it means that his influence is stronger than all of them here combined.

These alone were enough for them to fear, not to mention that they felt the breath of death from Xiao Junyan's body.


Thank you Katze for your reward! muah! Happy May Day everyone!

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