Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4723: Dare to bully my wife 2

Mu Yue couldn't help but laugh when she looked at these elder brothers under Xiao Junyan's eyes and was so frightened.

But Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng couldn't hold back, they laughed directly, the laughter was so gloating and mocking.

"Deserve it!" Du Xueqin said mockingly with her hands on her hips, "I am afraid now! I dare to covet my cousin, I really don't know where your courage comes from!"


Xiao Junyan didn't know what happened here just now, and Xiao Baozi didn't really care too much when he said that these guys bullied them.

But I didn't expect that these **** would dare to covet Mu Yue, really looking for death.

Seeing Xiao Junyan's anger, Mu Ziheng showed a gleeful smile on his face, "Hey, brother-in-law, they just wanted to molest my sister, you don't know, how arrogant they were just now, introducing their family background there! "

Now that I think about it, Mu Ziheng couldn't help laughing, only thinking that these people were just jumping up and down.

Seeing them face Xiao Junyan's fear at this moment, they just laughed so much that their stomach hurts.

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes, stepped forward, and exuded an icy breath, as if the cold air and killing intent from the eighteenth layers of **** filled the surroundings.

The little bun held Xiao Junyan's neck with both hands, and the face that was very similar to Xiao Junyan showed a smirking smile.

"Hmph, dare to bully mom, now dad is here, you are dead!" Xiao Baozi said proudly.

He is still very young, and sometimes he still wants to let his father go.

When Mu Yue listened to the little bun's words, she only felt that the little guy was faking him!

Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng both looked at Xiao Baozi in their eyes full of deep admiration.

"Oh, you deserve to be the son of cousin and cousin, just how awesome!" Du Xueqin secretly admired this in her heart.

Mu Ziheng gave the little bun a thumbs up, "Sister's son is really amazing, so I can take advantage of it!"

When these brothers heard Xiao Baozi's words, their bodies trembled more severely.

At this moment, they looked at Xiao Junyan's eyes even more fearful.

"I...we were wrong, we knew we were wrong!"

"Yes... I'm sorry!"

The sons and buddies lying on the ground moved on the ground one by one, apologizing with trembling mouths.

Xiao Junyan is so terrible that they have to beg for mercy!

"You just coveted my wife!" Xiao Junyan's voice was full of strong killing intent.

"No no, we absolutely don't!"

"Don't dare!"

The son-in-law shook his head quickly like a rattle.

They really regret it. If they knew it, they would not come down.

Xiao Junyan snorted coldly and walked towards them slowly.

Suddenly, those guys were scared to move their bodies back and forth.

One who was already on the edge of the dock accidentally fell directly from the dock.

With a "puff", a young man fell into the sea very unfortunately.

When the other brothers heard the sound of the water falling, they turned their heads to look at the situation behind them.

However, the few elder brothers on the edge of the pier turned slightly, the position of the center of gravity was unstable, and they fell into the sea with a thud.

No one thought that things would develop to this point, and these young masters were so scared that they all fell into the sea.

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