Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4724: Dare to bully my wife 3

Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they saw these brothers falling into the sea.

These people are so courageous!

Mu Yue stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Junyan's arm, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said softly, "Okay!"

Xiao Junyan was still very angry when he heard Mu Yue's words.

These bastards, even when he was not by Mu Yue's side, molested his woman, it was just looking for death.

Mu Yue lightly patted Xiao Junyan's arm, "Little Bun has already taken revenge for me! Didn't you see that they were all beaten and wounded all over?"

Xiao Junyan glanced at the injuries on those elder brothers, but he snorted and said dissatisfiedly, "I didn't beat him!"

When Mu Yue heard Xiao Junyan's words, the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely.

She understood that even if he wanted to avenge him, he would have to do it himself, not letting his son take it.

This jealousy is really getting bigger and bigger.

"Can you not trouble me?" Mu Yue said a little irritably.

Xiao Junyan snorted, turned his head to look at Mu Yue aggrievedly, and said, "I didn't ask for trouble. I'll take revenge for you. Do you dislike me?"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's aggrieved tone, Mu Yue couldn't help but tremble.

"No, how could it happen!" Mu Yue coughed awkwardly, touched his nose, and said helplessly, "However, the lesson is forgotten! If you teach it again, you will die!"

The little bun patted his little breast proudly, "The baby can also protect his mother, there is nothing to do with the father!"

Hearing the words of the little bun **** making a knife, Xiao Junyan turned his head and glared fiercely at his son who was in his arms, and then put him on the ground.

The little bun blinked his eyes in confusion, then leaped to Xiao Junyan's leg, "Dad, hug!"

Xiao Junyan said disgustingly, "While going, aren't you very capable? Stand by yourself!"

"Bad Dad!" Little Bun pursed his own mouth and snorted, "You are envy and envy!"

Mu Yue held his forehead helplessly, really didn't know how to deal with the two father and son.

"Okay, Jun Yan, you can take us on board!" Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan quickly, also reminding Little Bun, "Little Bun, you haven't been on a yacht yet, let's go to the yacht!"

Hearing Mu Yue's reminder, Xiao Baozi turned his head to look at the luxury yacht he saw for the first time, and suddenly patted his little hand excitedly.

"Okay, okay!" The little bun ran to the edge of the dock excitedly, stretching out his small neck.

A young man walked off the yacht and said to the little bun, "Young master, are you going to go up?"

Xiao Baozi's appearance was so similar to Xiao Junyan's. Even if it didn't happen just now, the young man knew he was Xiao Junyan's son.

It was really unexpected that Xiao Junyan and Xiao Baozi would be father and son! His appearance is really like that, that's the character, he said he couldn't flatter him!

Hearing what the young man said, the little bun suddenly tapped his head quickly, "I want to do it!"

The young man smiled and went forward to pick up the little bun, and carried him onto the yacht.

As soon as Xiao Baozi got on the yacht, where did he take care of those elder brothers, and there was no time to argue with Xiao Junyan over there, so he went directly to visit the yacht.

Mu Yue couldn't help showing a funny look at the corner of her mouth when she saw Xiao Baozi's attention.

Fortunately, the little buns are still small now. If they were bigger, they would not be attracted by these things.

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