Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4727: Luxury private yacht 3

Xiao Junyan walked around the yacht with his arms around Mu Yue, and came to the cockpit seat with his arms around her slender waist.

Seeing Xiao Junyan launching the yacht, Du Xueqin asked curiously, "Cousin, where are we going?"

Xiao Junyan did not answer, but turned to look at Mu Yue.

Mu Yue also showed a curious look, "Yes, where are we going now?"

"An uninhabited island!" Xiao Junyan explained with a soft smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing such a scene, Du Xueqin directly squatted in the corner and circled the wall in grievance.

Du Xueqin only felt that she was aggrieved, really aggrieved! Why is there such a big difference in treatment!

She asked her cousin, but the cousin didn't say anything, but when the cousin asked, Xiao Junyan said the destination, the difference was too big.

Mu Ziheng looked at someone who was spreading dog food, and then at Du Xueqin, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

The little bun ran to the middle of Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue excitedly, tilted his head up, and looked at Xiao Junyan expectantly, "Dad, baby is going to drive!"

Xiao Junyan said directly in disgust, "Go aside!"

Mu Yue smiled and hugged the little bun on his lap, and said, "Little bun, you are still young and not suitable. Let's go to the uninhabited island that Dad said about it. It will definitely be fun over there! "

The little bun listened, muttered his own little mouth, and said aggrieved, "Okay!"

Du Xueqin stood beside Mu Yue and complained aggrievedly, "Cousin, why is my cousin so good to you? He has a different attitude towards me!"

Mu Yue glanced at Xiao Junyan with a cold face and smiled lightly, "He, he is just a boring man, ignore him!"

"Oh!" Du Xueqin smiled secretly when she heard Mu Yue's description of Xiao Junyan.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Xiao Junyan said to everyone.

"Oh oh oh……"

The little bun patted his hands excitedly, and let out a burst of howls in his mouth.

As the yacht drove away, those young men who climbed up to the pier could not help but shudder as they watched the yacht drive away.

"Who are they!"

"Damn, I thought I was going to die!"

"It's very risky, I felt like walking around the ghost gate just now!"

"That man has such a strong aura, I don't know who they are!"

These brothers looked at each other one by one, with wry smiles on their faces.

They are really very regretful now, why they have been stupid, and they have offended such a person who shouldn't offend.


At this moment, a young man screamed after returning to his senses, "Isn't this Mu Yue from the legendary Longteng Group? It looks very similar to the photo!"

Hearing this young man's shout, as well as the realization of Mu Yue's identity, the complexions of these princes and buddies were constantly changing.

"This... seems to be the legendary Mu Yue, it seems!"

"That man, plus that kid!"

These brothers looked at each other again, only to feel that the cold sweat was getting more.

Although they have never seen the legendary Mu Yue herself, they have never seen it in the newspapers.

Just because they understood, they also remembered Mu Yue's identity. If they hadn't been dazzled by sex, they might have thought of it a long time ago!

Thinking that they almost offended someone who shouldn't offend, they really started to cry.

He hurriedly ran away in a desperate manner, even more so that he didn't dare to go out to play. He just wanted to escape from this dangerous place, for fear of encountering Mu Yue and the others.

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