Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4728: Breakthrough in the late stage of refining the virtual world 1

Originally, the yacht was driven by the young man who carried the little bun onto the yacht.

But Xiao Junyan wanted to take his family out to play, so he simply asked the young man to leave, he would also drive the yacht, so he would drive it himself.

Xiao Junyan was driving the yacht, and the little bun felt very boring, so he got down in Mu Yue's arms and said, "Mom, accompany the baby to play!"

Mu Yue smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's head, "Let aunt and uncle take you to play!"

"Come on, little bun, uncle will take you to play!" Mu Ziheng also excitedly said to the little bun.

Although they have the Mu Group, they don't have a yacht of their own, and they are still so luxurious. Therefore, Mu Ziheng is still very excited.

The little bun looked at Mu Yue. The fun things attracted him the most, so he followed Mu Ziheng and Du Xueqin to play.

For them, nothing attracts their attention more than playing.

Nangong Yuehua smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Yue'er, I'll get some food for you!"

"Well, mom, that would trouble you!" Mu Yue said to Nangong Yuehua with a smile.

Nangong Yuehua nodded softly, "Tell me what is troublesome and not troublesome!"

After talking about Nangong Yuehua, she left. Mu Yue watched everyone leave, and sat beside Xiao Junyan with a smile.

Xiao Junyan turned his head and glanced at Mu Yue, and asked concerned, "Why don't you play?"

There are only two of me left here, and I hope that Mu Yue will also go to play with him, it is rare to come to this yacht.

"Be with you!" Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan with a smile.

Xiao Junyan knew Mu Yue's purpose, and the expression in her eyes became more gentle, "It's okay, you go play!"

"It's the same anyway, it's better to be with you, because Xiao Baozi thinks it's very novel!" Mu Yue said indifferently.

She was still embarrassed, they all went to play, and Xiao Junyan was here alone, and she felt a little distressed.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue with emotion, for her, everything was worth it.

Mu Yue leaned on the sofa next to the driver's seat, looking at the beautiful scenery connected by the sea and the sky in the distance, and felt that her whole heart was relaxed.

It has never been so easy before, I just feel that the breath of the whole body seems to be integrated with this world.

The whole heart also expands continuously with the realization of this moment.

Since being reborn, Mu Yue has always felt that something is pressed against her body, and she has always been moving forward for her goal.

After all, by now, all of his knots were finally untied, and this comfortable environment gave Mu Yue a chance to feel.

Xiao Junyan, who was driving the yacht, felt the strange breath coming from Mu Yue's body next to him, and turned his head and took a look.

But she saw Mu Yue's whole body as if surrounded by faint mist.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Junyan's mouth, happy for Mu Yue.

This has reached the realm of the unity of nature and man, which is of great help to Mu Yue's cultivation.

I thought, since I realized Mu Yue until now, I haven't seen her so relaxed. Perhaps, because of the pressure from the past, once I relax today, there will be such a big change.

Mu Yue's feelings this time are her chance and blessing.

Thinking of this, Xiao Junyan slightly let go of the speed of driving the yacht.

It is a rare opportunity for Xiao Junyan not to interrupt Mu Yue's opportunity.

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