Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4729: Breakthrough in the late stage of refining the virtual world 2

The little buns were playing around on the excited yacht and ran into the small swimming pool on the top floor, where their bodies throbbed.

"Oh, it's really comfortable!" Du Xueqin said with enjoyment, lying on the reclining chair, placing one hand behind her head.

Mu Ziheng also nodded in agreement, "Yes! I have been to a lot of yachts, but there is no such good yacht. You deserve to be a brother-in-law, really amazing!"

"Of course, I don't look at who my cousin is!" Du Xueqin said with a smile on her lips as she listened.

Du Xueqin felt extremely proud when he thought that Xiao Junyan had obtained all this.

Mu Ziheng curled his lips and counterattacked, "That's your cousin, not you!"

This girl is terribly over there again.

However, he should be the one who should have trouble!

After all, the cousin in her mouth is still his cousin's loyal twenty-four filial husband!

The most powerful is Mu Yue, not Xiao Junyan.

Du Xueqin turned her head, clenched her fist, and grinned at Mu Ziheng, "Smelly boy, are you looking for death? Specially against me!"

Mu Ziheng shook his head, "No! What I said is the truth!"

"Smelly boy!" Du Xueqin stared with anger, really wishing to tear his mouth apart, it's a pity that he is not his opponent!

Mu Ziheng smiled triumphantly, sprinting into the swimming pool, splashing large splashes of water.

The little bun who was fluttering in the swimming pool was overturned by Mu Ziheng's actions. His little head came out of the water, and his little hand wiped a few hands on his little face.

"Bad uncle!" Xiao Baozi shouted at Mu Ziheng angrily.

Mu Ziheng emerged from the water and smiled at the little bun and said, "Little bun, don't be angry, uncle is just testing your swimming skills! After all, I am your swimming master!"

The little bun turned his head and glanced at Mu Ziheng obliquely, his eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot, with a very disdainful look.

If his parents weren't free, Mu Ziheng wouldn't have such a chance.

"Humph!" The little bun snorted proudly, climbed out of the swimming pool, and ran in front of Du Xueqin, "Auntie, let's go down and play!"

"Okay!" Du Xueqin listened, smiled and nodded, glared at Mu Ziheng, and left the top floor with the little bun.

Mu Ziheng leaned back on the edge of the swimming pool, shaking his head, looking very enjoyable, "I'm the only one, so refreshing!"

Du Xueqin took the little bun to the cockpit.

The little bun wanted to be called Mu Yue, but Xiao Junyan waited indifferently.

Xiao Junyan made a silent gesture to Du Xueqin and Xiao Baozi, and then let them go down.

Although Du Xueqin was very puzzled and confused, he still went down as the former little bun.

The little bun was different from Du Xueqin. After all, he came out of Mu Yue's stomach, and felt that Mu Yue's breath became very comfortable.

Seeing Xiao Junyan's actions, he obediently covered his little hand and went down with Du Xueqin.

Xiao Baozi had also learned art with Han Tao anyway, even if she didn't know Mu Yue's situation very well, she knew she could not disturb her mother.

Xiao Junyan saw that no one was coming to bother him. He glanced at Mu Yue, who was still wandering around the world, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

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