Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4730: Breakthrough in the late stage 3 of refining the virtual world

Mu Yue had sentiment and felt that her mood had changed and she was sublimated.

I feel that my body has become a lot lighter, and I also feel that my solid barrier has begun to loosen.

The pure aura of heaven and earth rushed towards the barrier in Mu Yue's body like a sea wave.


Mu Yue felt that the barrier in the late stage of refining the Void and He Dao shattered and turned into the pinnacle of the Void and He Dao.

Xiao Junyan, who was driving the yacht, felt the momentum on Mu Yue's body change, suddenly turned his head and looked at her.

Seeing Mu Yue's momentum cultivation base, he broke through to the pinnacle of Lianxu Hedao.

Xiao Junyan really didn't expect that Mu Yue's cultivation would suddenly break through to the peak of Lianxu Hedao.

Mu Yue felt the breakthrough in his cultivation, recovering from the feeling of the unity of nature and man.

"I...what's wrong with me?" Mu Yue looked at her body in surprise.

The corners of Xiao Junyan's mouth twitched slightly, then a gentle smile appeared, and he said, "My wife, congratulations!"

Mu Yue raised her head and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Am I really breaking through?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded lightly, holding Mu Yue's slender hand, and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect that you would take this opportunity to break through!"

He really didn't expect that Mu Yue would actually take advantage of this opportunity to break through the cultivation base.

This time, even if there was nothing else, Xiao Junyan felt that his trip was worthwhile.

Mu Yue also showed a bright smile on her face, and said innocently, "Actually, I don't know why I broke through!"

To be honest, she was really at a loss, and she broke through so quickly.

Thinking of his own cultivation base, Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded.

Xiao Junyan explained to Mu Yue with a smile, "Perhaps, this is because your mood is relaxed. After all, you were not because of the company or because your parents’ affairs became your heart knot. Although the matter was resolved, , You are still busy with other things, and you don’t have any chance to relax yourself proudly. Today, I will take you out, your heart knot will be untied, and your mood will relax, which helped your cultivation breakthrough!"

Mu Yue listened to Xiao Junyan's explanation, tilted his head for a moment, and it seemed that it was really true.

"It seems to be really!"

Xiao Junyan petted Mu Yue's cheek and said, "Therefore, if the pressure and heart knot are gone, there is only one chance for you to break through!"

Mu Yue nodded gently, and said excitedly, "Unexpectedly, my luck is so good!"

She also didn't expect that all the reasons for her breakthrough would be like this!

"It seems that coming this time is a worthwhile trip. The 100 million flowers are very worthwhile!" Xiao Junyan said in a somewhat joking tone.

Mu Yue listened and laughed pouting, "If you let those in the ancient martial arts world know, it is estimated that tens of billions of dollars would be willing to break through!"

Breakthroughs don’t happen all the time, let alone break through if you want to.

Some people are on that threshold, and they can't break through until they die.

Therefore, if they have a chance to break through, even if they lose their fortunes, they will definitely break through their cultivation base.

Xiao Junyan also nodded in agreement, "So, it's really cheap to buy a repair base of 100 million for a breakthrough!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue smiled, "Jun Yan, thanks to your protector for me, maybe I wouldn't be so smooth without you!"


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