Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4731: Arrive at the uninhabited island 1

Nangong Yuehua walked up and looked at Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, "I felt a little movement just now. Is there something wrong?"

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan turned to look at Nangong Yuehua and laughed.

"Mom, my cultivation base has broken through, and the breakthrough has come to the pinnacle of Refining Void Hedao!" Mu Yue walked to Nangong Yuehua's side with a smile, and said with her arm around her.

When Nangong Yuehua heard Mu Yue's words, a look of shock appeared on her face, "What did you say? Did you break through? Break through to the pinnacle of refining emptiness and harmony?"

She didn't expect that her daughter's cultivation base would reach the pinnacle of Refining Void He Dao?

You know, it's not that easy to break through to the peak of Refining Void He Dao!

Mu Yue is only 21 years old now, and her cultivation level has broken through to the pinnacle of Lianxu Hedao. How can this not surprise her and shock her.

"Yes!" Mu Yue nodded, opened his arms, and released the aura of the pinnacle of refining the emptiness in his body, "Mom, look, is it true!"

Nangong Yuehua saw the momentum on Mu Yue's body, with a look of shock on her face.

"You, you..." Nangong Yuehua trembled in her last words, unable to say the following.

Mu Yue saw the shocked look of Nangong Yuehua, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She knew that her breakthrough in cultivation level would definitely shock Nangong Yuehua, and it might also make her feel incredible.

"You kid..." Nangong Yuehua gave a wry smile.

Regarding Mu Yue's perversion, Nangong Yuehua was already somewhat immune, so she recovered quickly.

However, seeing that Mu Yue's cultivation has reached the pinnacle of Lianxu He Dao, I was also relieved for her.

Mu Yue is her own daughter, and she is proud to see her achievements getting better and better.

"Hehe..." Mu Yue smiled and hugged Nangong Yuehua's arm, and said happily, "Actually, I never thought, I never thought that I would break through so fast!"

Nangong Yuehua fondly touched Mu Yue's head, her eyes were gentle.

Xiao Junyan smiled and said, "This is Yue's chance. No one else wants to have such a chance!"

"Yeah!" Nangong Yuehua nodded in agreement, and said with a smile, "Only the girl Yue'er has such a blessing!"

Mu Yue touched her nose, feeling a little embarrassed by being so boasted, "Where is it!"

Nangong Yuehua said with a smile, "Anyway, either your blessing is good, or your talent is good! It's all the same!"

Xiao Junyan also agreed, "Well, Mom is right! Others can't envy you!"

"Don't praise me, I didn't expect it, but this is also a good thing!" Mu Yue said with a bright smile on his face.

Nangong Yuehua smiled and nodded, still looking at Mu Yue proudly, "Well, it's a good thing!"

"You first consolidate your cultivation realm here first!" Xiao Junyan said to Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue nodded, "Well, I also have plans!"

"Then I won't bring you some snacks!" Nangong Yuehua said with a smile.

She also knew that Mu Yue had to calmly consolidate her cultivation base. This was a very rare opportunity. Since she had seized it, she couldn't be happy too early, and she had to stabilize her realm.

"Well, you don't need to bring it up, by the way, tell the little buns and the others, don't come up!" Xiao Junyan nodded and said to Nangong Yuehua.

Nangong Yuehua patted the back of Mu Yue's hand and said with a smile, "Hmm! I know!"

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