Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4732: Arrived on the uninhabited island 2

Mu Yue practiced for a while by Xiao Junyan's side, until Xiao Junyan took the yacht to the seaside of the destination uninhabited island.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue, who was still cultivating with his eyes closed, and said, "Yue, it's coming soon!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Mu Yue stopped work, opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Here?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded and looked at the uninhabited island in the distance, "Look! This is it!"

Mu Yue got off the sofa, stood beside Xiao Junyan, and looked at the uninhabited island in the distance, with a bright smile on her face.

"This is the uninhabited island you are talking about?" Mu Yue turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan curiously, "Does this uninhabited island belong to it?"

Xiao Junyan shook his head and said, "No! However, generally without permission, we will not be allowed to come to some unnamed islands. To come, we can only come to our private yachts!"

"So it's like this!" Mu Yue nodded, and suddenly realized.

Xiao Junyan smiled dozingly, and said, "In the future, we will buy an island, and we will live there in the future! Live a life like a fairy!"

In this way, you can also avoid the entanglement of that brat.

Mu Yue listened, smiled and leaned on Xiao Junyan's shoulder, and said, "Okay, I haven't had such a life yet, it's fresh!"

"Haha, good!" Xiao Junyan also let out a hearty laugh, and took Mu Yue into his arms, "When your wishes are fulfilled, we will go to live like this!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly and nodded gently.

At this time, Du Xueqin and Mu Ziheng both ran up, followed by the little buns from Pi Dian Pi Dian.

"Mom!" The little bun called excitedly.

Just now hearing Xiao Junyan's laughter, they knew that Mu Yue had finished work, and they also saw the uninhabited island in the distance.

"Little bun!" Mu Yue turned his head, smiled and waved at the little bun, and hugged him into his arms.

Du Xueqin asked Mu Yue excitedly, "Cousin, is the uninhabited island in front of us where we are going?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and said with a smile.

Mu Ziheng looked at the uninhabited island excitedly, and said expectantly, "I just don't know what's on this uninhabited island! Isn't there nothing?"

"Yes, yes, we haven't eaten lunch yet, shouldn't we have nothing to eat?" Du Xueqin asked worriedly after hearing this.

Mu Yue said amusedly, "Do you still need to worry about having nothing to eat? Just catch some fish in the sea!"

"Yeah!" Nangong Yuehua also nodded and said, "Moreover, there are a lot of things in the yacht's refrigerator, and you can eat it too!"

She knew that Mu Yue had space, and she could take things out of the space at will. There were everything in the space.

Therefore, she is not worried about things at all.

Mu Yue also smiled and said, "Yes, don't worry, you will never be left hungry!"

Mu Ziheng breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "That's good, that's good!"

"Hey, I still want to eat it now!" Du Xueqin listened, eyes flashing with excitement, and said expectantly.

The little bun held his small fist excitedly and waved in the air, "Oh, come on, dad! Hurry up!"

"I'll be here soon!" Xiao Junyan said, with a smile on his mouth, Xiao Junyan's rare Ying and Xiao Baozi.

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