Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4740: Be careful to knock out your teeth 1

Wei Qingqing and Leng Feiqing also joined Mu Yue's vacation team.

Walking down the dock, only to see the white wooden house, Wei Qingqing said in surprise, "Why is there a house here?"

Mu Ziheng said triumphantly, "Brother-in-law built this for my sister specifically for convenience. It is also convenient to make some food!"

"Well, that's what I said!" Wei Qingqing nodded, turned to look at Mu Yue, and gave a thumbs up enviously, "Little Xiao is Shao Xiao, you deserve the man you are looking for, he is so considerate and gentle to you. , I really envy you!"

Mu Yue said with a smile, "He, he likes to worry about it!"

"What's wrong with worrying about it? This is what I like for you! Don't dislike you for your love, I guess you are already happy in your heart!" Wei Qingqing rolled her eyes irritably.

She is envious or not, this girl still resents her, she is really mad at her!

It's simply sprinkling dog food in front of her anytime, anytime!

Mu Yue smiled awkwardly, and said, "This is also convenient, but it's actually nothing. You can eat here later! A rare opportunity!"

"It's natural!" Wei Qingqing swallowed and said with a smile, "I look forward to eating the food you cooked!"

It's been a long time since Mu Yue cooked the food, so I really missed it.

Mu Yue rolled her eyes and said, "You are here to eat the food I cooked!"

"Hehe, by the way!" Wei Qingqing smiled.

Mu Yue smiled lightly and said, "Wait a minute to see what you can eat!"

"Yeah!" Wei Qingqing nodded lightly, with a look of expectation on her pretty face.

Nangong Yuehua in the small wooden house came out, saw Wei Qingqing coming, and walked out of the wooden house with a smile, and said with a smile, "Qingqing, come and play!"

Wei Qingqing smiled and nodded and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect that auntie, you guys would come here to play too. If you knew it, please contact me soon!

"Yes!" Nangong Yuehua nodded with a smile.

Listening to their conversation, Mu Yue was secretly amused and sighed.

If there is a WeChat circle of friends for later generations, I guess you will know where it is when you post it in the circle of friends.

"Auntie, we also plan to have a good meal, can't we?" Wei Qingqing asked Nangong Yuehua with a smile.

Nangong Yuehua said with a smile, "Of course it can, why not! Come on! There are so many people!"

"Thank you Auntie!" Wei Qingqing said gratefully.

Leng Feiqing looked around, but did not see Xiao Junyan's figure, and asked puzzledly, "Mrs. Xiao Shao, where is Shao Xiao?"

He had never seen Xiao Junyan before, he had only heard some rumors, this time he did not see Xiao Junyan and he was a little curious.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "He has gone to the sea, ready to catch some fresh seafood!"

"Catch now? Go straight into the sea?" Leng Fei heard it clearly, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Of course!" Du Xueqin said proudly, "The fresh ones are fresh and delicious! Let's wait and eat something delicious!"

Mu Ziheng also said triumphantly, "Yes, don't look at who caught it!"

Leng Fei heard it clearly, but the shock on his face became even more surprised, turning his head to look in the direction of the sea.

I don't know how Xiao Junyan caught it, or what seafood he caught.

It should be difficult to catch it like this!

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