Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4741: Be careful to knock out your teeth 2

Xiao Junyan brought a lot of seafood, and was slightly surprised when he saw Wei Qingqing and the others arrive.

"Cousin is back!" Du Xueqin cheered excitedly when she saw Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan was holding a sack of things in his hand, with water dripping at the bottom.

"Cousin, what did you catch?" Du Xueqin asked Mu Yue looking at the sack full.

Xiao Junyan threw the sack to the ground, and then poured out the contents.

In the sack, all sea fish and crabs, shrimps, sea shells, etc. were poured out.

"Wow! A lot!"

"There are really king crabs!"

"And big lobster! What a big lobster!"

"And squid! Wow, it's so big!"

Mu Ziheng also ran over, shouting excitedly with Xiao Baozi.

The little bun poked the crab with his little hand, and let out a crisp laughter in excitement.

Xiao Junyan looked up at Wei Qingqing and asked Mu Yue, "Is it enough? I don't know anyone will come!"

Originally, according to the amount he grabbed, a few of them ate, it was definitely enough, maybe more.

However, with the addition of Wei Qingqing and Leng Feiqing, it is probably not enough.

"Enough!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

Wei Qingqing said to Xiao Junyan slightly apologetically. "Sorry, Xiao Xiao, we interrupted you!"

"It's okay!" Xiao Junyan said coldly.

Mu Yue smiled and put his arms around Xiao Junyan's arm, and introduced Leng Feiqing, "Junyan, let me introduce you, this is Sister Qingqing's boyfriend, fiance Leng Feiqing!"

When Leng Feiqing heard Mu Yue introducing herself to Xiao Junyan, he quickly reached out and said politely and respectfully, "Young Master Xiao, hello, my name is Leng Feiqing!"

Xiao Junyan nodded lightly, stretched out his hand and shook Leng Feiqing's hand, then released his hand.

Leng Feiqing didn't have any dissatisfaction with Xiao Junyan's attitude, but was extremely excited.

Although his family background is also good, he has only heard of people like Xiao Junyan and has never seen him.

I've only heard of it before, let alone seeing it now, and shaking hands, still made him behave a little abnormally.

Wei Qingqing cast an angry look at Leng Feiqing, "Bring your breath away!"

Leng Feiqing touched his nose, "I was a little excited just now!"

The aura exuding from Xiao Junyan just now made him feel particularly stressed, which he had never felt before.

No wonder everyone says that Xiao Shao is different from others, and he is a dragon and a phoenix among people!

Du Xueqin raised her head excitedly and asked Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, "Cousin, cousin, do you eat these now?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded lightly, and said with a smile, "I'll take care of it first, let Jun Yan make a grill, or barbecue!"

"Good, good!" Du Xueqin cheered excitedly, and said to Xiao Junyan, "Cousin, cousin wants you to make a grill!"

Xiao Junyan turned his head and glanced obliquely at Du Xueqin, his eyes were so disgusting.

Du Xueqin touched her nose and smiled.

The little bun excitedly grabbed the crab with his feet tied up, and asked excitedly, "Dad, how do you want to eat it?"

"You can't eat it!" Xiao Junyan said directly when he saw Xiao Baozi's eyes gleaming with excitement.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Xiao Baozi suddenly pouted his own mouth in aggrieved situation.

When Wei Qingqing heard what Xiao Baozi said, she couldn't help laughing, and squeezed the meaty little face of Xiao Baozi, "You little devil, how old are you this time, you are going to eat this king crab." This thing is not much smaller than you. Are you not afraid of knocking your teeth?"

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