In Qiongzhou, Mu Yue still stayed for another four or five days before returning to the capital.

A group of people returned to the capital and came to Mu's house. When Mr. Mu heard the news and knew that they had entered the community, he came out of the house and waited at the gate.

When the car arrived, Mr. Mu showed a bright smile on his old face.

Mu Yue and Nangong Yuehua both got out of the car one after another.

Elder Mu directly hugged the little bun who got out of the car, "Oh, little bun, do you want to be too grandpa!"

The little bun hugged Mr. Mu's neck and let out a clear giggle, "Well, think!"

"Haha, okay, okay!" When Mr. Mu heard Xiao Baozi's milky and coquettish words, he only felt that his bones were slightly lighter.

Seeing Mr. Mu holding the little bun, Mu Yue quickly reminded him with concern, "Grandpa, be careful!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay!" Elder Mu was very happy to see the little bun. He hadn't seen him for several days, but he wanted to die.

Xiao Junyan took the luggage from the car and said to Mr. Mu, "Grandpa, it's hot outside, let's go in first!"

Elder Mu nodded, holding the little bun and said, "Okay, let's go to the house, if you go there, it must be too hot!"

The little bun twisted his body and said, "Grandpa, the baby has grown up, the baby has to go by himself!"

"Haha, really good!" Hearing Xiao Baozi's well-behaved words, Mr. Mu was deeply moved and put him on the ground.

The little bun grabbed the big hand of Old Man Mu, "Baby is supporting Grandpa!"

"Ah, the little bun is so good! Too much grandpa loves you to death!" Old man Mu smiled and bloomed.

Mu Ziheng looked at Mr. Mu's joy, and couldn't help but curl his lips. Why didn't he receive such treatment when he was a child?

Could this be the legendary inter-generation plus inter-generation pro?

However, Mr. Mu will be so happy, not only because Xiao Baozi is small, but also Mu Yue's son, and most importantly, he is the first of their fourth generation!

Think about the other grandchildren, all the elders are not young, and they are not even married, and until now there is no fourth generation, only the little bun.

Mr. Mu now has a little bun, can he be upset, can he spoil him with care?

"Little bun, is it fun outside?" Mr. Mu asked the little bun with a smile.

The little bun nodded and said grinning, "It's fun, but it's fun, and there are so many delicious and delicious foods! Mom made it! The baby likes it!"

"Haha, do it well, just like it, go and play more in the future!" Father Mu let out a hearty laugh.

"Yeah!" Little Bun nodded his little head excitedly.

This time I went to Qiongzhou, but it was not like being at home, so Xiao Baozi was totally crazy.

As soon as Mu Yue arrived on the sofa at home, Ge You lay down and said with emotion, "Golden nest and silver nest are not as good as their own kennel!"

"Yes, yeah!" Mu Ziheng was lying on the sofa as if he fell apart, "I'm exhausted!"

Elder Mu glanced at Mu Ziheng disgustingly, "Little buns didn't even say tired, what do you say tired!"

Mu Ziheng's face was immediately embarrassed, and he touched his nose. He only felt that he was really getting less and less attention.

Xiao Junyan had already made Mu Yue a cup of spiritual tea for her, and Mu Ziheng was sore and envious!

He expressed that he also wanted to have such another considerate person.

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