Elder Mu held the little bun and raised his head and asked Xiao Junyan, "Jun Yan, when will your wedding photos be ready?"

Xiao Junyan replied, "It should be available tomorrow!"

They played in Qiongzhou for a few days, they must have taken care of it, and they can get it back.

"Well! Go get it quickly, we can take a look after it!" Father Mu listened and said with satisfaction.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Tomorrow you are going to work, I will get it!"

Xiao Junyan put his arms around Mu Yue's shoulders, and said dozingly, "It's okay, I've already asked for leave, and I will go to work the day after tomorrow!"

"Really?" Mu Yue was taken aback, then nodded, and said, "That's right. You can also take a break tomorrow. Although we are going to play, we are tired of playing!"

Xiao Junyan smiled softly and squeezed Mu Yue's shoulders, "I'll go back and give you a massage!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue listened, expectant light flashed in his eyes.

After staying with Mr. Mu for a while, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan went to their home with Xiao Junyan.

When the little bun returned home, he threw himself on the sofa in his own home excitedly.

On the other hand, Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue went to tidy up the suitcases, took out the changed clothes and washed them.

The little bun ran to her room, watching Mu Yue sorting out her clothes, and ran over, "Mom, let me help you!"

Mu Yue laughed when she saw Xiao Baozi's well-behaved behavior, "Okay! Come and help mom!"

The little bun followed Mu Yue and put his clothes up in a decent way. No, they folded it up and stuffed it into the small closet.

Mu Yue smiled and sat on the side watching the little buns vying for what she was doing, only feeling warm in her heart.

Thinking about it, I was so desperate to give birth to him back then. Now, the little bun has grown up a lot and has become a little warm man, knowing that he will think about his mother and take care of his mother.

Xiao Junyan washed his clothes, walked over, and saw Xiao Baozi sorting out the clothes alone, while Mu Yue was watching from the side, and nodded in satisfaction, "Well, Yu'er did a good job and grew up!"

Little Bun was rarely appreciated by Xiao Junyan, and a bright smile appeared on his immature and cute little face, "When the baby grows up, I can help my mother!"

The corner of Xiao Junyan's mouth evoked a slight arc, and said lightly, "Well, you have grown up, you can sleep alone in the future!"

When the voice fell, the clothes that the little bun was holding in his arms fell to the ground with a snap, with a cheesy expression on his little face.

Mu Yue couldn't help being amused when she saw Xiao Baozi's behavior. Xiao Baozi was picking up a rock and hitting himself in the foot!

At this time, what kind of clothes the little bun could manage, he flew directly into Mu Yue's arms, and hugged Mu Yue with his short arms, "No, no, the baby should sleep with her mother, and the baby should sleep with her mother!" "

Mu Yue touched the little bun's head amusedly, and said comfortingly, "Your father is joking with you! You continue to sleep with us!"

The little bun was comforted by Mu Yue, and he felt relieved, "Mom is the best, and the baby loves mom the most!"

When Xiao Junyan heard this, his face went dark, and he glared at the little bun in Mu Yue's arms very uncomfortably. This little devil's head was really owed to him in his previous life.

Mu Yue looked up and gave Xiao Junyan a soothing look. The little bun was still young!


Thank you Katze and ぃ方方づ for your rewards! muah! Love you guys

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