Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4765: Visiting Duan's house 2

Mu Yue chatted with everyone, and there was a lot of joy during the dinner.

"Little bun, your mother is going to work, will you follow your godmother in the next few days?" Mu Zhitong smiled and said to the little bun.

Although Xiao Baozi didn't call him godmother, Mu Zhitong still regarded himself as godmother. Thinking about calling him more, she would change her name.

The little bun shook his head, "No, the baby must follow his mother, not the aunt!"

"Your mother is going to climb the mountain, very tired!" Mu Zhitong reminded.

An Ziyun also nodded and said, "Yes, little bun, it's very tiring to climb the mountain, follow the aunt, the aunts will take good care of you!"

The little bun firmly grasped Mu Yue's clothes with both hands, her small face was aggrieved, "Mom, baby must follow mom!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue smiled and comforted the anxious little bun, "Mom won't abandon the little bun!"

"Yeah!" The little bun then showed a bright smile happily.

Mu Zhitong and the others all stared at the little bun who didn't know the current affairs, "This little devil, it's true!"

Ouyang Mengxi asked Mu Yue concerned, "Where do you plan to plant your Lingcha? Will you run around next?"

"Yes! Sure, I have to see which hills are more suitable!" Mu Yue nodded and said.

Mu Zhitong smiled and said jokingly, "You are about to get married, and you still run like this, your men are willing!"

"He knows how to object, I have to do this, so I didn't refuse!" Mu Yue nodded and said, "Moreover, he is the only one involved in the wedding, and I don't have to worry about anything! Until now, even the wedding is held. I don’t even know where it is!"

An Ziyun listened with a look of surprise and disbelief on her face, "What? This secrecy work is too great, right?"

"Is it impossible? How could you not know?" Xiang Tianhe asked in shock.

Nangong Yuehua said with a smile, "Well! Even we don't know, we don't need to help if we want to help!"

"Hey, it looks like I'm going to give you a surprise!" Ouyang Mengxi said enviously.

Mu Yue smiled and said to everyone, "When the time comes, you remember to come to the capital to attend my wedding, you can't be absent!"

"Haha, this is a must!" everyone said in agreement.

Duan Tianyu smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Grandpa has been talking about it all the time. I heard that you gave birth to a little bun. I have never had a chance to see it. I want to meet. Would you like to see my grandpa today? Let grandpa see Xiao Baozi too?"

"Okay, it's been a long time since I saw Grandpa Duan!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile while thinking.

If he hadn't saved Old Man Duan accidentally in the past, he wouldn't be helped by Duan Wenhao later, and the company would not have developed so smoothly.

Duan Tianyu was immediately overjoyed, "That's good, let's go together later! Grandpa knows that you come to see him, he will be very happy, I dare not tell him that you are here, otherwise, he has to scold me for not taking you. Go back!"

"I'm really too busy!" Mu Yue sighed and said, "I haven't visited many of my acquaintances before. I'm here this time. Come and visit me by the way!"

And those acquaintances in Xingshi, she hasn't seen it for a long time.

Qiao Mo smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Then this time, you will stay in Jiangnan Province for a few more days!"

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Hmm! Try my best!"

She also thought, but maybe someone would be worried!

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