Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4766: Visiting Duan's House 3

After eating, Mu Yue went to Duan's house with Duan Tianyu.

At this time, Mr. Duan was drinking tea at home and listening to Peking Opera, which was called a comfort.

Duan Tianyu watched Mu Yue and the others get out of the car, and shouted in excitement, "Grandpa, grandpa...Look who I brought!"

The old man Duan who was listening to Peking opera heard Duan Tianyu's yelling, he looked outside in confusion, and shouted, "Who? Smelly boy, what are you yelling? Did you bring your granddaughter back? Tell you, no Granddaughter-in-law, don't come in!"

Mu Yue, who was about to walk into the yard, couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard the words of Old Man Duan.

"This..." Duan Tianyu suddenly looked awkward, and looked at Mu Yue, only feeling cold sweat on the top of his head.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Grandpa Duan is right, you really should bring back a granddaughter-in-law for his old man!"

"Hey!" Duan Tianyu laughed dryly and yelled into it, "Grandpa, this is what you said, don't let in, then I will invite Sister Mu Yue away!"

Hearing Duan Tianyu's words, Old Man Duan was startled, and then ran out like the wind with his legs. He saw Mu Yue and others standing at the gate of the courtyard with a surprised look on their faces.

"Mu Yue?" Old man Duan rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dazzled.

"Grandpa Duan!" Mu Yue walked towards the door with a smile, still shouting.

Duan Tianyu smiled and ran to the old man Duan, supporting him, "Grandpa, look, I brought you sister Mu Yue!"

Grandpa Duan raised his hand and pinched Duan Tianyu's arm next to him fiercely. He immediately made Duan Tianyu scream in pain, "Grandpa, why are you pinching me!"

"Does it hurt?" Old man Duan turned his head and asked Duan Tianyu.

Duan Tianyu was about to cry, and instantly understood the purpose of the father, "It hurts, grandpa, this is not a dream, nor an illusion!"

When Grandpa Duan heard Duan Tianyu's words, he was sure that it was not a dream. He looked at Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, when did you come to Jiangnan Province?"

Mu Yue smiled and walked up to Old Man Duan and said, "I just came. I just ate with Brother Duan and the others. Come and see you! By the way, let you always see my son too!"

With that, Mu Yue beckoned to the little bun, "Little bun, come over, call grandpa!"

The little bun stepped on his short legs and ran to Mu Yue's side. He grabbed a corner of Mu Yue with one hand. The milky voice cried out to Grandpa Duan, "Good grandpa!"

When Mr. Duan heard the call of the little bun, he squatted down and touched the pink face of the little bun, his face was full of excitement, "Oh, so good!"

The first time I saw the little bun, the old man Duan was full of excitement. He raised his head and asked Mu Yue, "Is this the little bun? It's so cute!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Grandpa Duan, you don't know the first time you saw Little Bun, but now you look good, you can usually make noise!"

"Nao Teng? Nao Teng is good!" Old man Duan was a little incoherent with joy, "It's good to be a kid, Nao Teng is cute!"

Duan Tianyu raised his hand and slapped it on his face, covering his face. He only felt that his face was all shameless. What a nuisance is so cute!

Grandpa is so happy that he is incoherent.

"Grandpa, let's go home first!" Duan Tianyu said to Grandpa Duan with a smile.

Old man Duan came back to his senses, "Oh, yes, yes, go home first!"

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