Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4767: The disgusted Duan Tianyu 1

Mu Yue and others entered Duan's house with Mr. Duan.

Just walked into the house, Duan Mu walked out of the kitchen, rubbing her hands, "Tianyu, who did you say is here?"

Duan Tianyu smiled and said to Duan's mother, "Mom, I brought sister Mu Yue! And their son, Little Bun!"

When Duan Mu saw Mu Yue, she greeted him with a smile, "Mu Yue...You haven't been here for a long time! Madam Mu, hello!"

Nangong Yuehua smiled and nodded to Duan Mu, "Mrs. Duan, hello!"

"Yeah, so, this time you come to Jiangnan Province, come and have a look!" Mu Yue said with a smile, and quickly said to the little bun, "Little bun, come, call Grandma Duan!"

The little bun shouted crisply, "Grandma Duan!"

"Oh, the little bun is so cute!" When Duan Mu heard the cry of the little bun, she suddenly showed a loving smile on her face, "the last time I went to the capital, I didn't even meet each other!"

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Yes, I am too busy with my parents' wedding, and I don't have time to take care of you!"

Duan's family also went to the wedding of Mu Haixuan and Nangong Yuehua, but the old man Duan did not go to the capital, only Duan Mu and Duan Tianyu.

"Come on, little bun, this is delicious hidden by my grandfather, knowing that your mother is getting married, this time I must go to your mother's wedding, so I kept it for you! Even Tianyu's smelly The kid will not eat!" Old man Duan came out holding a box and said to the little bun with a smile, "Little bun, come and come!"

In the past, Mr. Duan didn't go to other people's weddings because of the long distance. Even if Mu Yue's parents didn't go, it was only natural.

However, as his savior twice, he had to attend, so after knowing the news, he kept counting the time to go to the capital.

When Xiao Baozi heard something delicious, his eyes lit up, but he hesitantly raised his head and glanced at Mu Yue, "Mom!"

Mu Yue looked at the look of Xiao Baozi's expectation, and laughed, "Go, grandpa gave it to you, then you can eat it! But don't forget to be polite!"

"Yeah!" The little bun nodded, and ran to the old man Duan, yelling in gratitude directly, "Thank you, grandpa!"

The old man Duan touched the little bun's head and said indulgingly, "Oh, so good!"

Seeing Mr. Duan's appearance, Duan Tianyu touched his nose, only to feel that this was a rhythm that had fallen out of favor again.

"Thank you, grandpa, grandpa, it's delicious!" The little bun said sweetly with a bright smile after eating fructose.

"It's so good, if grandpa had such a good great-grandson as you, grandpa would die without regrets!" Old man Duan loved Little Bun even more, but at the end, he raised his head again and gave Duan Tianyu a fiercely stare.

Duan Tianyu lay the gun inexplicably, only feeling embarrassed and depressed on his face. He felt that he was really dead today.

Originally I wanted to make the old man happy, but I didn't expect that in the end, he would get a scolding meal from the old man. Why bother!

However, seeing the old man so happy is worth it.

Duan mother looked at the cute and cute little bun, and said enviously, "Mu Yue, Madam, I really envy the cute and cute little bun!"

Nangong Yuehua listened and said with a smile, "He, he is usually naughty, only her mother can control him!"

"Yes, just a little naughty!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile.

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