Chu Muyue looked at the old man, saw his skinny hands and his muddy face, took out five pieces of money in his pocket and handed it to him.

"Grandpa, take it!" Chu Muyue stuffed the money to the old man.

The old man took the money Chu Muyue handed him, his old face was touched, "Thank you, thank you! What a great person!"

Because of the tears, the face of dissatisfaction with the mud seemed to have been washed out with two traces.

Chu Muyue smiled at the old man, then turned around with Xiao Junyan's arms around and prepared to leave.

However, before taking two steps, I heard a dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground from behind.

Chu Muyue paused, and turned around to see the old man had fallen to the ground.

Seeing the old man lying on the ground, Chu Muyue had only one thought in her mind, and that was "Save people!"

Chu Muyue turned the old man on the ground over and got his pulse, but the more he got the pulse, the more solemn his expression became.

The old man actually got leukemia, and it was in the later stage, which made her frown unconsciously.

Looking at the old man's muddy face, she sighed deeply. If it weren't for the mud, she should have been able to tell from the face that the old man was uncomfortable.

At this moment, Xiang Tianhe walked out with his teeth.

Seeing Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan squatting next to a man covered in mud, they rushed forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

"This old man got leukemia and fainted in front of me!" Chu Muyue replied briefly, and then ordered, "Brother, you and Xiang Tianhe first move this old man to the car. Let's go to the Chinese Medicine Clinic. , There are more things over there!"

"Okay!" When Xiang Tianhe heard this, he nodded quickly and helped Xiao Junyan help the old man up.

Chu Muyue first opened the car and asked Xiao Junyan and the others to carefully put the old man in the car, and Xiang Tianhe took care of the old man in the face.

Xiao Junyan drove the car and took Chu Muyue and the old man to the Chinese Medicine Museum.

However, Mr. Bai was usually idle and was sitting in the Chinese Medicine Clinic. When he saw Chu Muyue and the others walking in with a fainted old man, he looked suspicious, "What happened?"

"This old man came to me to beg for food, but he didn't expect to faint. Under my examination, he had leukemia, so I plan to treat him first!" Chu Muyue explained to Mr. Bai.

Old Bai was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect Chu Muyue to send him the old beggar.

But when I think about it, I'm relieved. As a healer, there is no distinction between the poor and the poor. Since the old man has fallen in front of her, he must heal.

"But, can you treat leukemia?" Old Bai asked after Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue shrugged and said, "If it can't be cured, you have to control it first and see if you can find his relatives!"

Elder Bai said indifferently, "What kind of relatives can this old beggar have!"

"I heard that this old man was deceived, so he should have been accidentally lost. In short, first rescue him and see if he can help him find his relatives!" Chu Muyue analyzed what the old man said. .

If it weren't for her soul to come from later generations, perhaps Chu Muyue would not believe what the old man said, after all, there were many liars.

Now in this society, there are more people who bully and deceive the elderly.

Therefore, it is best to be able to contact the elderly’s family, if not, then he can only be sent to nursing homes or other places.

Chapter 1

Chu Muyue wanted to clean up for the old man, but Xiao Junyan stopped her and refused to let her come. Instead, she pulled Xiang Tianhe to help the old man.

Xiang Tianhe was very depressed, but he could only obediently obey Xiao Junyan's orders.

After helping the elderly clean up, Chu Muyue diagnosed and treated the elderly.

Chu Muyue also tried her eyes ability, but, after checking it out, she was still looking for a treatment for Xiao Junyan, her abilities were not enough.

Therefore, for the time being, Chu Muyue still used Chinese medicine to treat the elderly.

Leukemia in the elderly is chronic leukemia.

If it hadn't been for her, and no one would treat him, he would have died.

There was a slight groan in the old man, and the old eyes slowly opened. The moment they opened, Shuan's eyes were a bit blurred, and it took a long time to gradually recover.

"I...Where am I?" The old man looked around suspiciously, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Chu Muyue sat beside the old man with a smile, and said, "Old man, you are awake!"

The old man turned his head, looked at Chu Muyue and asked, "Are you? That kind girl?"

Chu Muyue was very happy that the old man still remembered herself, and nodded, "Yes, old man, you just fainted in front of us, do you remember?"

The old man was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking, "Well, remember, I... I just feel that my eyes are dark, and then I don't remember anything!"

"Old man, do you have any family members, do you want me to contact you?" Chu Muyue asked concerned.

"Can you help me find my son? My money and contact address have been cheated away!" After speaking, the old man cried.

When Chu Muyue heard the old man's words, he secretly said "Sure enough!"

"Yes! Do you have any contact number or address?" Chu Muyue asked the old man.

"I don't know, my son wrote it on paper for me!" The old man shook his head and said, "I feel sick recently. I also know that I'm too old to accept the old, so I wanted to come to my son. By the way, come and see my baby grandson again. I took the money and the address and phone number left by my grandson and went to the station!"

"I don't know how to buy a ticket. A kind person bought a ticket for me, but how did I know that this kind person turned out to be a liar? He scammed my things away, and the address and telephone numbers are gone. When I got here, I didn't know. Where can I find my son and grandson!" The more the old man said, his tears became more fierce, and his face looked a little ugly.

Xiang Tianhe clenched his fists and held injustices for the elderly. These people are too bad, and even cheated the old people's money. "These people are really horrible!"

Chu Muyue patted the old man's back quickly, comforting, "Old man, don't get excited, don't get excited, say slowly, I will definitely help you find your relatives!"

"Good, good!" The old man nodded quickly and looked at Chu Muyue gratefully, "Good person, little girl, you are such a good person!"

"Old man, then...what is your son's name and what does he do? Your contact information and address are gone, and I can't help you find it!" Chu Muyue quickly said to the old man.

The old man nodded and said gratefully, "Well, I don’t know the specifics, but my son, it’s my pride. I raised him, and he also had a good grade. He was admitted to university and became an official. , Even married a good wife and had a good life!"


Guess who the old man's son is! Hahaha... there is a prize for winning!

Thank you CAT for your reward! muah! love you!

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