"Then why doesn't your old man live with your son?" Chu Muyue asked curiously.

"Oh, they also wanted to take me out to take care of me, but they were old and nostalgic, and they didn’t want to drag them down, so they didn’t let them take me home! They just came to see my old man at home during the Chinese New Year. I'm satisfied!" The old man said with emotion.

Listening to the old man's words, Chu Muyue's nose was a bit sore, but there was a warm current flowing through her body.

No matter what time it is, parents think about their children.

"Old man, you said your son is an official? Then what is your son's name? I will help you find it! I know a few official officials, maybe I can find them for you!" Chu Muyue smiled Laughing, said to the old man.

The old man nodded, looked at Chu Muyue gratefully, wiped away tears, "Girl, with a good heart, and so beautiful, thank you so much!"

"This is what I should be. When you are in front of me, I can't help but save you!" Chu Muyue smiled and said comfortingly.

"Good!" The old man nodded and said, "My son is Duan Wenhao, girl, help me find my son!"

"Duan...Duan Wenhao?" Xiang Tianhe, who was listening, immediately yelled.

Chu Muyue turned her head to look at Xiang Tianhe, with puzzlement and confusion on her face.

Xiang Tianhe looked at Chu Muyue, opened his mouth, and quickly bent over to explain in her ear, "If the old man is right, Duan Wenhao is a high-ranking official in Jiangnan Province!"

Hearing Xiang Tianhe’s explanation, Chu Muyue realized that the senior officials in Jiangnan Province are called by this name?

Moreover, the old man also said, "Let him go to university and become an official." If Duan Wenhao is his son, then this official is not so old.

Although the old man said that his son was Duan Wenhao, he might be the senior official of the province, but Chu Muyue couldn't listen to and believe him, he still had to investigate. If he made a mistake, it would be bad.

If the old man in front of him is really the father of a high-ranking provincial official, Chu Muyue is really going to hehehe.

She also offended the son of a senior provincial official with the first kick, and saved the father of the senior provincial official with the last kick. The fate with this family is really broken.

"Old man, your body is still a little weak. Take a break first. I'll help you investigate and see if there is any news about your son!" Chu Muyue comforted the old man with concern.

However, no matter what, she still has to take care of the old man, let him take a rest and get his body well, so that at least he can live with his family for a while.

The old man nodded and looked at Chu Muyue gratefully, "Okay, then thank you little girl!"

After helping the old man to lie down to rest, Chu Muyue left the room with Xiao Junyan and Xiang Tianhe.

"Senior Brother Xiao, please investigate the family history of Duan Wenhao, a senior provincial official, especially his hometown. It is clear whether this old man is his father after all!" Chu Muyue said to Xiao Junyan.

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded, took out the mobile phone in his belt, and walked out of the Chinese Medicine Clinic to order an investigation.

Xiang Tianhe tusk tusk amazed, "This is really... I didn't expect that Mu Yue, you actually saved such an old man, it seems that the secretary of this section has to thank you!"

"I'm not sure yet, let's talk about it when I'm sure!" Chu Muyue gave Xiang Tianhe angrily and said.

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