It will take some time to investigate the real identity of the old man, and he needs to go to the old man’s home to inquire about it.

If you can, get the old man's photo. If it's the same, then the old man's identity will be confirmed.

In the evening, Chu Muyue took the old man to his villa to take care of him.

After all, the Chinese Medical Center will be closed at night, and it is not good to leave the old man there alone.

Anyway, Chu Muyue also rests on Sunday, so she can wait for news at home by the way and wait for the elderly's family to come over.

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, news came, proving that the old man was indeed Duan Wenhao's father.

"It turned out to be Duan Wenhao's father!" Chu Muyue's mouth raised slightly, revealing a playful smile.

Xiao Junyan looked at the information in his hand and asked, "Should you call?"

"Not for the time being, let's call again tomorrow morning. What the old man needs now is rest. Let him rest for a good night, and he will be better tomorrow!" Chu Muyue shook his head and put the information aside.

It was a bit late, and the old man was too weak. He just took the medicine and took a rest. He will call Duan Wenhao tomorrow morning.

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded and got up slowly, "Then you should rest soon!"

Chu Muyue was on the bed cross-legged, holding her calves with her hands, her body tilted slightly, and a sly smile appeared on her face. She looked at Xiao Junyan, "Don't you stay here to talk to me?"

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and looked at Chu Muyue, who was wearing a loose nightgown for taking a bath. The scenery on his chest was looming, and his dark eyes deepened slightly.

However, Xiao Junyan, who was already restrained, stretched out his hand and pulled Chu Muyue's nightgown, "Take a good rest, you are also tired today!"

Chu Muyue glanced at the corner of her mouth, and muttered in her heart, with a color heart and a lack of courage.

However, she also knew that Xiao Junyan did this because he didn't want to burn his body, but he would suffer instead.

"Then you also have a good rest, tomorrow you will send the old man home!" Chu Muyue smiled at Xiao Junyan and said.

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently.

On the other hand, in Duan Wenhao's house, the atmosphere is also a bit nervous and irritable.

"I know, look for it again!" The middle-aged man hung up the phone, picked up the cigarette on the coffee table, and lit it in his mouth.

The middle-aged woman held a cup of tea and put it on the coffee table, comforting, "Old man, don't worry, don't dad have our contact information? When he arrives, he will contact us!"

"Yeah! Dad, don't worry about it. Grandpa is not going out for the first time. There will be nothing wrong. I will send someone to investigate immediately!" Duan Tianyu stood up and said, "Sometimes, the gossip is still the same. The gangsters are the best!"

"Yeah!" Duan Wenhao nodded, waved his hand and said, "You go find it first, but you can't find it. Let's go back to our hometown, and then we will find it again along the way!"

"Yeah!" Duan Tianyu left Duan's house.

Even if it was a little bit bright in the sky, Duan Tianyu went home with a tired body, yawned, and said to Duan Wenhao who was sitting on the sofa, "Dad, there is still no news from Grandpa!"

"You go to rest first!" Duan mother said with concern when seeing her son's tired appearance.

"Well, I'll go to rest first, and call me if I find Grandpa!" Duan Tianyu stretched out, yawned again, and went to sleep in his room lazily.

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