Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 913: Who are you going to compete with? 1

"Mu Yue, I investigated!" Yuan Xiao said to the side, looking at Chu Muyue behind him, "The reporter's account has a large amount of money before you go to the game. I am sending someone to investigate that. The origin of a batch of money!"

Chu Muyue nodded gently, and said, "I know this!"

Yuan Xiao was taken aback, but he didn't expect Chu Muyue to know so quickly.

However, thinking about the presence of Xiao Junyan, it seems that he should find out sooner than him.

"Who moved the hand?" Yan Yu asked curiously.

Chu Muyue raised her head, glanced at Yuan Xiao, and said. "Mu's family!"

"Mu's family? Mu Xueqing?" Wu Hongjun called up and asked.

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded slightly, propped her chin with one hand, looked at Yuan Xiao and said, "It should be the last time Mu Xueqing heard about Tan Yu's war post to me, and wanted to use this Things come to my trouble!"

"It's damned!" Mu Zhitong clenched her fist, turned her head and said angrily to Yuan Xiao, "Yuan Xiao, the woman who is in charge of you always troubles Mu Yue!"

Yuan Xiao sighed helplessly, "I also told Grandpa about the Mu family and the Zhang family, but after all, this is the Zhang family's business. He cared about the relationship with the Zhang family and couldn't do too much. Recently, I will do something to Mu's family!"

"No need!" Chu Muyue smiled lightly, "I will handle it myself!"

Seeing Chu Muyue's leisurely smile, Yuan Xiao naturally knew what she meant, and nodded, "Okay! If you need it, you can tell me!"

"Don't worry, I will tell you!" Chu Muyue nodded with a smile.

On the other hand, Hong Jinyun reported Chu Muyue's affairs. Mu Xueqing had only one purpose, and that was to get the police to arrest Chu Muyue.

However, he didn't expect that all of Hong Jinyun's flattery made Chu Muyue accept a lot of war posts.

Mu Xueqing was dumbfounded when she heard the news, and didn't understand what was going on.

However, I was still very happy with this situation, but I didn't know why no one in the police station acted on Chu Muyue.

So she quickly called her brother Mu Xuefeng.

After Mu Xuefeng knew about this, he called Duan Tianyu.

However, Duan Tianyu was with his grandfather at this time, so there was no time to pay attention to Mu Xuefeng.

"What's the matter, I'm busy!" Duan Tianyu frowned very displeased.

Hearing Duan Tianyu's dissatisfaction, Mu Xuefeng quickly stated the purpose of the call, "Duan Shao, that's it. You said that people from the Public Security Bureau should arrest Chu Muyue. Have you asked them to arrest him? "

"Of course it was a call, do you doubt this young master?" Duan Tianyu heard Mu Xuefeng's inquiry, his face suddenly became more ugly, and he asked dissatisfiedly.

"No... how could it happen!" Mu Xuefeng explained quickly.

Duan Tianyu still said with a bit of anger, "I've been very busy lately, don't call me if you have anything, let alone call me if there is nothing!"

After speaking, Duan Tianyu hung up the phone.

When calling, Duan Tianyu still looked angry. After hanging up the phone, his face immediately turned into a smile, "Grandpa, when you are discharged from the hospital, I will take you to play. It is rare for you to come to Linshi. !"

"Good, good!" The old man's old face was full of kind smiles, and he patted Duan Tianyu on the shoulder, "Tianyu, you are the best behaved!"

"Grandpa, you have a good rest today, I am here to accompany you!" Duan Tianyu said with a smile.

The old man nodded again, a happy smile on his face, "Good good!"

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