Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 914: Who are you going to compete with? 2

Ye Tianming called Chu Muyue while she was resting, "Little Junior Sister, just as you might expect, after Mu Xuefeng knew that you accepted the Taekwondo challenge, she went to find that Hong Jinyun again!"

After knowing the calculations of the Mu family, Ye Tianming has been sending people to pay attention to their situation, and now they will tell Chu Muyue the news as soon as they take action.

"Sure enough!" Chu Muyue sneered, she really wouldn't let go of a chance! I just don't know, what will he do! "Then did you leave the evidence?"

"Don't worry! Of course I left it! Both the video and the recording are available, and even if Hong Jinyun wants to deny it, there is no way to deny it!" Ye Tianming's mouth made a wicked smile, and a gleam of eyes flashed, "Hey, this Mu Xuefeng really knows how to calculate, knowing that Jin Shengwu is a foreign warrior. If you hurt him, it is estimated that he will use the relationship between the two countries to make a fuss!"

"But, he calculated it wrong!" Chu Muyue's mouth showed a mocking sneer.

"That's right!" Ye Tianming also showed a sly smile on his face, "Little Junior Sister, how do you plan to avenge the Mu family?"

Hey, I want to trouble Chu Muyue, but unfortunately, I still don't know who is causing the trouble!

The corner of Chu Muyue’s mouth raised a wicked smile, "Friday, when I was playing, you sent someone to record the video. Well, remember to deal with my face at that time, and don’t let my appearance be affected by others. Let me see!"

"Okay!" Ye Tianming nodded, and when she heard Chu Muyue say this, she knew what she was going to do.

Since the reporter likes to exaggerate so much, then give her another chance and let her dig her own grave.

"Then I will hang up first!" Chu Muyue hung up the phone and turned back to her classroom.

Since the newspaper came out, Chu Muyue has received several war posts one after another every day, but they have been rejected on the grounds that they have already accepted other people's war posts.

Although those warriors were very dissatisfied with what Chu Muyue said in the newspaper, they claimed to be righteous people and would not do those little tricks or engage in wheel warfare.

So after hearing that Chu Muyue had accepted other people's challenges, she didn't write down the battle to Chu Muyue anymore, it seemed that she was waiting for her to challenge after the battle was over.

"Mu Yue, are you sure you want to compete with that Jin Shengwu? That's the master! It's even more powerful than the average black belt!" Yan Yu kindly reminded Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue chuckled and said lazily, "If he dares to have this old face and ask me to challenge him, then he won't even want to go on taekwondo!"

"What do you mean?" Mu Zhitong looked at Chu Muyue puzzledly and asked.

"A forty or fifty-year-old old guy is looking for a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl to challenge, hehe, others feel embarrassed for him!" Chu Muyue comforted everyone, "If I guessed correctly, he would let him first. His apprentice asked me to challenge, not himself! If his apprentice loses, he will find me to challenge!"

"It turned out to be like this!" When everyone heard it, they were relieved, at least Chu Muyue would not encounter any danger.

Chu Muyue smiled at everyone, her eyes flashed with calculations, "So, don't worry, go to Taekwondo with me on Friday!"

Yuan Xiao looked at Chu Muyue and frowned slightly, always feeling that there was something wrong with what this girl said.

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