Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 922: It's too arrogant 2

Ye Tianming said with a gloomy look on his face, "Of course it was a breakthrough in cultivation. A year ago, Mingming just broke through to Anjin. Damn, only one year of work broke through to the middle of Anjin. Hit me to death?"

There was only Xiao Junyan standing beside him with a smile on his mouth, and his eyes were filled with gentle and proud expressions.

He didn't expect that Chu Muyue actually broke through.

He was very clear about the speed of Chu Muyue's progress. Even he couldn't match such a fast speed.

"Dark Jin mid-term? Is it very powerful?" Mu Zhitong and the others looked at Ye Tianming curiously and asked.

Ye Tianming stared and said, "Of course it's amazing. The Jin Zhongxian and Tan Yu only have the mid-Ming Jin, and the Jin Shengwu only has the mid-Aan Jin. The owner of Nanshan Wuguan, Zuo Hong, has only the peak of the mid-Aan Jin, Chu. Mu Yue is now in the middle stage of Dark Jin, you guys!"

"It seems, it's a very powerful rhythm!" An Ziyun touched her chin, nodded and said.

Mu Zhitong clenched her fists excitedly, and said excitedly, as if she was the one who made the breakthrough, "Of course it's amazing, how old are people, and how old is Mu Yue, hehe!"

Zuo Hong and others were also shocked, staring at their own eyes, but still confirmed this game.

"One hundred and three moves! Chu Muyue won!"

Jin Shengwu stood on the spot and looked at Chu Muyue in surprise. He didn't expect that when she was fighting against him, she would break through. She broke through with his hand!

Thinking of her own challenge, she actually helped her, no matter who it was, she couldn't swallow this breath.

Thinking of Chu Muyue's age, a cold light flashed in Jin Shengwu's eyes. Before everyone had recovered, he shot and wanted to attack Chu Muyue.

No one thought that Jin Shengwu would be so despicable, the game was over, and he still had to attack Chu Muyue.

"Be careful!" Those Chinese warriors saw Jin Shengwu's actions, but it was too late to stop them, and they just made a cry.

Chu Muyue looked up and saw a dark shadow attacking him, as well as that hideous face.

She had just broken through and hadn't fully integrated the sudden burst of power in her body, so she couldn't fight back.

She knew that if she was attacked by Jin Shengwu, she would definitely be immortal and miserable.

However, what no one expected was that a slender figure faster than Jin Shengwu had appeared in front of Chu Muyue, raised his hand, and punched him in the chest fiercely.

"Kacha!" The crisp sound of cracking bones spread to everyone's ears.

Everyone looked at Jin Shengwu's whole body flying upside down with wide eyes and wide mouths. He raised his head and spewed a mouthful of red blood, thrown in the air, and fell on the wall more than ten meters away.

With a "touch", Jin Shengwu was not embedded in the wall, but just stuck to the wall for a second or two, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

It happened suddenly, and no one noticed it. They all widened their eyes. Looking at Jin Shengwu who looked very embarrassed at this time, he only felt that he had seen something magical.

Zuo Hong was also surprised to see Jin Shengwu who was beaten out, as well as the red and dazzling pool of blood on the ground, and couldn't help taking a breath.

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