Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 923: It's too arrogant 3

Everyone stiffened their necks, slowly turned their heads, and looked at the slender figure that appeared in front of Chu Muyue.

To be honest, at the beginning they only noticed Ye Tianming, but they didn't notice Xiao Junyan.

At this moment, Xiao Junyan's shot gave them too much shock and shock.

With such a quick shot, even Zuo Hong couldn't react, nor could he shot to help Chu Muyue.

It can be seen that Xiao Junyan's speed and skill are definitely stronger than him.

"Senior Brother Xiao!" Chu Muyue slowly got up, but Xiao Junyan grabbed her with a big hand, and hugged her into your arms and hugged you.

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and looked at her tenderly and worriedly, "It's okay?"

Chu Muyue smiled at Xiao Junyan and shook her head gently, "It's okay!"

Hearing Chu Muyue's answer, Xiao Junyan breathed a sigh of relief and put her on the ground, "Cross-leg exercises first!"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded, as long as Xiao Junyan is there, she doesn't have to worry about anyone shooting her.

Xiao Junyan looked down and watched that Chu Muyue had already adjusted her breath cross-legged, then raised her head and glanced coldly at everyone present, even Zuo Hong was no exception.

When they were swept by Xiao Junyan's dark but cold eyes, they all felt a cold air from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads, and the whole body was cold.

"He! Who the **** is it!" At the same time, there was only one questioning thought in everyone's mind.

However, they were also sure that this person must have a great relationship with Chu Muyue, otherwise, he would not save her.

Mu Zhitong and the others were relieved when they saw that Chu Muyue was okay, and they wanted to go forward and care about Chu Muyue, but they were stopped by Ye Tianming.

"Don't go there, Junior Sister is adjusting her interest now!"

Although you all cared about Chu Muyue, you heard Ye Tianming's words and all retreated. Instead, you stared at the fallen Jin Shengwu with angry eyes.

"Bah! Shameless!" An Ziyun spit on the ground directly and said mockingly.

"That's it, it doesn't matter if the old thing shamelessly challenges Mu Yue! Mu Yue has won, and he didn't admit defeat, so he took the opportunity to attack!" Mu Zhitong also scolded angrily.

No matter who they are, they are all mocking and contemptuous eyes at Kim Seung Wutou, which also includes those young students who are studying in Taekwondo.

They didn't expect that the curator was such a despicable and shameless person.

Not only was Chu Muyue unable to beat her, but if she lost, she even took the opportunity to attack others in an attempt to hurt her.

Jin Jongxian saw his father Jin Shengwu fall to the ground without any movement, and ran forward hurriedly.

"Father! Father! What's wrong with you! Father! Wake up! Father!" Jin Zhongxian hurriedly pushed Jin Shengwu, shouting anxiously.

"Cough cough cough...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jin Shengwu coughed a few times, spitting out another mouthful of blood, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Jin Shengwu clutched his chest with a painful look on his face. He raised his head in horror to look at Xiao Junyan who was standing next to Chu Muyue, a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

He could feel that his chest ribs had been broken by four, and his ribs had hurt his inner palace, and he felt painful.

He didn't expect that this person would be so strong, his sneak attack was easily resolved by him, and he hurt himself so badly.

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