Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 926: Mu Xuefeng's calculation 3

Xiao Junyan put a morning paper on the table and said, "Today's morning paper has your content!"

"So fast? Didn't you expect that the work efficiency is still quite high?" Chu Muyue showed a meaningful smile at the corner of her mouth, drinking porridge while reaching out to read the morning paper.

However, Xiao Junyan clapped his hands and held down the newspaper, and said softly, "Don't worry, eat well and read it!"

Chu Muyue had no choice but to obediently ate the breakfast in his bowl first, and then read the contents of the newspaper.

"Heh, as expected!" Seeing the above content, Chu Muyue chuckled again, and the corners of her mouth rose again, revealing a calculated smile.

Hong Jinyun told Mu Xuefeng what she had seen.

However, Mu Xuefeng still asked her to do what she said, and continued to exaggerate the comment Chu Muyue's martial arts competition, and even took photos of Jin Shengwu being beaten up with blood.

However, the person who injured Jin Shengwu was not Xiao Junyan, but Chu Muyue.

This time, not only was Chu Muyue's injury to people being criticized, but also directly criticized that Chu Muyue wounded foreign personnel despite the diplomatic friendship between the two countries.

The words did not say that Chu Muyue had already defeated Jin Shengwu, and Jin Shengwu took the opportunity to attack Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue put down the newspaper, drank a cup of tea, and asked Xiao Junyan, "Have you processed the surveillance video?"

"Take care of it, it can be broadcast on provincial TV tonight!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue pondered for a moment and asked, "Will it affect the diplomatic friendship between the two countries?"

"Don't worry, the content in the surveillance video is enough proof!" Xiao Junyan shook his head, comforting Chu Muyue.

What was said inside, and after the announcement of the game results, Jin Shengwu's sneak attack, Xiao Junyan shot to help damage Jin Shengwu's monitoring, all.

In addition, Kim Seung-wu and Kim Jong-hyun challenged a sixteen-year-old girl in desperation. She was defeated and hurt others.

This is enough for them to slap themselves in the face.

I don't know what it said affects the relations between the two countries, and who affects whom?

The charge of maliciously influencing the relations between the two countries is more serious than the charge of framing Chu Muyue. I wonder if that reporter Hong Jinyun wants to jump off the building?

"Time is almost up! I'm going to the clinic, take me there!" Chu Muyue looked at his arm and stood up.

At the same time, in the Mu's villa, Mu Xueqing clutched the newspaper with proud hands, looked at the content on it, and laughed proudly, "Haha, Chu Muyue, you are affecting the relations between the two countries and see how you die! "

"Unexpectedly, Chu Muyue will look for death by herself and take up the challenge of foreigners!" Mu Xuefeng held a red wine glass with a mocking smile on his mouth.

"She found this by herself, and soon, she will die miserably!" Mu Xueqing also smiled triumphantly, and said to Mu Xuefeng, "Brother, have you arranged your next business?"

"It's arranged, I found some of Zhang's relationship in South Korea, and found their country's government. As long as the state interferes, this nature will be even greater!" Mu Xuefeng's eyes flashed a cold light and sneered.

She even dared to make herself ashamed in front of so many people, now she wants to make Chu Muyue lose face abroad!

"That's the best!" Mu Xueqing listened, but she felt relieved for a while, feeling that her feud had already been paid.

"I'm going to find Zhang Zihan! I want to make Chu Muyue worse!"

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