Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 927: Goodbye Duan Family Three Generations 1

Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan came to the Chinese Medicine Museum.

Only when I came to the Chinese Medicine Hall, I met Mr. Bai who was drinking tea outside.

Seeing Chu Muyue, Mr. Bai beckoned and said, "Mu Yue, the old man you rescued last week, brought his children and grandchildren over here, and wants to see you again!"

"Huh?" Chu Muyue raised her eyebrows and nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll go in first, thank you brother!"

"You girl, I really admire your luck! Saving this old man turned out to be... alas, let's not talk about it, you should go in quickly!" Old Bai sighed and waved at Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue glanced at Xiao Junyan and said, "Let's drink tea here with Brother Bai!"

Xiao Junyan nodded lightly, knowing what she meant, and didn't follow her into the consultation room.

Chu Muyue came to the consultation room. Inside, there were an old man and a middle-aged man sitting at the table, and a young man was pinching his shoulders for the old man.

"Grandpa, is it comfortable?" Duan Tianyu asked the old man who was pinched by his shoulder.

The old man squinted his eyes and looked very comfortable, "Comfortable and comfortable!"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the three of them all turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

The old man and Duan Wenhao both showed joyful expressions, and Duan Tianyu, who was squeezing his shoulders for the old man, changed the color of his entire face, turning into a pig liver color.

To be honest, Duan Tianyu never expected that he would meet Chu Muyue here.

Before Duan Tianyu came back to his senses, Duan Wenhao and the old man stood up and went to meet Chu Muyue in person.

"Good girl, here you are!" The old man looked at Chu Muyue with a grateful expression on his face.

Chu Muyue smiled and nodded to the old man, "Grandpa Duan, Uncle Duan, hello! I didn't expect you to come to me so early today, why don't you call me?"

The conversation in the villa last week brought the relationship between the two parties a lot closer.

Especially Duan Mu, who asked Chu Muyue to call her aunt, and the old man also asked her to call her grandfather, and the title was shortened.

"Isn't this afraid of disturbing your sleep?" The old man said quickly when he heard it.

"Yes, yeah!" Duan Wenhao also nodded and said, "We are here to thank you for saving my father. By the way, let you show my dad to see his body!"

"What can I get sick? My son said he wanted to come and thank you today, so I followed!" Hearing Duan Wenhao's words, the old man quickly explained, "I won't bother you, good girl!"

Hearing Duan Wenhao's words, Chu Muyue understood that the inspection report should have been given in the hospital.

Moreover, it is indeed as Chu Muyue said, his father is already in the late stage, even if it is a hospital shot, it only has three months, even if he goes abroad to look for it, it will take up to half a year.

Thinking of what Chu Muyue said at the beginning, Duan Wenhao investigated some of Chu Muyue's affairs, especially her medical skills.

In this area, they have already made a name for themselves, and those old people are willing to believe in Chu Muyue's medical skills.

Therefore, Duan Wenhao took the elderly to see the doctor.

The words of the old man made Chu Muyue sure that Wen Hao shouldn't tell him his physical condition in this passage.

Duan Wenhao lied to the old man, knowing that he was coming to thank her, the old man had to come over when he heard it, and naturally let her help with the treatment.

"It's okay, it's troublesome to say, I can meet Grandpa Duan, it's also destined."

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