Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 928: Goodbye Duan Family Three Generations 2

"Grandpa Duan, you sit down first, I'll give you a pulse to see your body!" Chu Muyue smiled and sat at the consultation table, and said, "When you were wandering, your body was a little weak, for For your health, you still need to show it to you!"

Duan Tianyu looked at Chu Muyue, following her moving figure, his eyes moved slowly.

At this moment, he seemed to be an air, just watching Chu Muyue and his father and grandfather talking and chatting so dumbly.

Duan Wenhao hurriedly helped Old Man Duan to sit at Chu Muyue's examination table, and said, "Yes, check first! Dad, let Mu Yue give you a check first!"

"I said it, it's okay!" Old man Duan waved his hand.

Chu Muyue smiled at Grandpa Duan and asked, "Grandpa Duan, if you don't let me see, don't you believe me?"

"Of course not!" When the old man heard this, he quickly handed his hand to Chu Muyue and placed it on the pulse pillow.

Chu Muyue took the pulse for Mr. Duan. After this week of training, Mr. Duan's body has not been cured, but his condition has also improved a lot, at least his nutrition has recovered.

It seems that during this period of time, Duan Wenhao also gave the old man Duan the prescription she prescribed, so he was still in good health.

"Grandpa Duan, you have been drinking the prescription I prescribed you recently!" Chu Muyue smiled and said to Grandpa Duan.

Old man Duan and Wenhao Duan were both taken aback, they didn't say this!

"Yeah, how did you tell?" Old man Duan asked Chu Muyue in surprise and curiousity.

Chu Muyue laughed, and said meaningfully to Duan Wenhao, "Of course I can see it from the pulse! If you didn't use my medicine, your health wouldn't get better, old man!"

Duan Wenhao was taken aback, glanced at the old man, and nodded softly, knowing that Chu Muyue hadn't told him that he was terminally ill, and he was very grateful.

Now I want to make the old man feel at ease, happy, and not be bothered by his illness.

"Grandpa Duan, although your body is recovering pretty well, you are a little older after all, and you didn’t take good care of yourself when you were young. The nutritional deficiency is severe, and you still need to take the prescription I prescribed for you in the future to regulate your body !" Chu Muyue said to Old Man Duan with a smile.

Old man Duan nodded, with a bright smile on his old face, "Well, well, I will, and I will definitely drink your medicine!"

Chu Muyue lowered his head to write down the prescription again, and said, "Grandpa Duan, your body has recovered a lot recently. In the last prescription, I have added some more nourishing and nourishing medicine for you. This time I can reduce it a bit!"

"Good, good!" Old man Duan nodded, watching Chu Muyue holding the shoes with a brush, and the words he wrote were all so graceful and beautiful.

Chu Muyue handed the written prescription to Duan Wenhao, and also wrote down some dietary treatment methods to help Old Man Duan.

"This is the usual diet therapy for three meals a day!"

Duan Wenhao looked at the content above, nodded gently, and read the words.

Chu Muyue's writing is not only correct, but also elegant and dignified, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye. Unlike those men, they are almost full of domineering or wild.

"I will prepare according to the above content in the future!"

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