Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 932: News Network Content 1

Chu Muyue was in the Chinese Medicine Museum, and the content in the newspaper outside was developing.

Until the afternoon, the people arranged by Mu Xuefeng approached South Korean diplomats and asked them to trouble Chu Muyue for this matter.

It's just that it's already close to the end of get off work time.

Chu Muyue sat in Xiao Junyan's car, and Duan Tianyu also sat awkwardly in the back, heading to the medicinal restaurant.

I didn't go to the Chengyao Restaurant at noon, so I went to have a meal in the evening.

With Duan Tianyu's order, the people who had originally asked for trouble also left directly.

It is precisely because people have just left, today's business is still relatively light, and not many people come.

There was no income for a week, but the medicated food restaurant didn't seem to care at all.

When the three of Chu Muyue entered the medicated restaurant, Ling Hong greeted them.

I don't know what happened today. Those who came to ask for trouble left all of a sudden, so Ling Hong thought, it must be Chu Muyue.

So he was looking after him in the afternoon, and seeing Chu Muyue greeted him.

"Miss Chu!" Ling Hong nodded to Chu Muyue, saw Duan Tianyu behind him, was stunned, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Prepare a box, we want to eat!" Chu Muyue smiled at Ling Hong and said.

Ling Hong nodded gently, and quickly led the way.

This Duan Tianyu is the son of a high-ranking official in Jiangnan Province, and he got it out of their medicinal restaurant.

Ling Hong took Chu Muyue and the others to the top box.

Ling Hong, who originally wanted to leave, was stopped by Chu Muyue, "Big Brother Ling, don't leave yet!"

"Bang Bang..." Duan Tianyu, who was about to sit down, didn't sit still, and sat down on the ground fiercely.

When Ling Hong saw Duan Tianyu's appearance, he was stunned and blinked. What's wrong with this section?

In Duan Tianyu's heart at this time, 10,000 *** ran past.

Listening to Chu Muyue calling Ling Hong's name, Brother Ling, is this an ordinary relationship?

"That..." Duan Tianyu looked at Ling Hong hesitantly, then at Chu Muyue hesitantly, "Sister Mu Yue, do you... know?"

Duan Tianyu wanted to pray in his heart for Chu Muyue to answer no, but it was obvious that God was not on his side.

Chu Muyue smiled at Duan Tianyu and said, "I opened this medicinal restaurant!"

Duan Tianyu slammed his head directly, and slammed into the table with a "bump!"

In particular, how many times had he offended Chu Muyue at this time, and he really wanted to faint with his head.

This medicinal restaurant turned out to be opened by Chu Muyue, so it's no wonder that he will be withdrawn!

Chu Muyue looked at Duan Tianyu's appearance and couldn't help but smile.

"So, you have caused me to lose a lot of money!" Chu Muyue looked at Duan Tianyu with a smile, her tone full of playfulness.

Duan Tianyu was very sad, with a desperate face, pleading, "I really don't know, sister Mu Yue, please forgive me! I really didn't mean it! I can make up for it!"

"Humph!" Chu Muyue let out a cold snort, looking at Duan Tianyu's eyes as if he was looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

Duan Tianyu grabbed his forehead, cold sweat spreading all over his body.

Secretly marveling in her heart, it is clear that Chu Muyue is only a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, how could he have such a great momentum and pressure, so that he can't bear it!

This momentum, I am afraid that even his father is inferior to it, right? Who is she?

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