Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 933: News Network Content 2

Duan Tianyu was about to hold Chu Muyue's leg, begging to say, "Sister Mu Yue, boss, eldest sister, tell me, what do you want me to do!"

Chu Muyue laughed and said, "It's not time for you to go out, but soon!"

"What do you mean?" Duan Tianyu was taken aback, blinked, and looked at Chu Muyue puzzled.

The corner of Chu Muyue's mouth raised, revealing an inexplicable smile, and said, "You will know when you go back to the news tonight!"

Duan Tianyu was full of doubts, scratching his head, very puzzled, always feeling that Chu Muyue was talking about heaven.

"Okay, let's eat first. When you go back, bring a bottle of medicated wine to your grandpa by the way. Although it won’t help your grandpa’s illness, it still has some benefits for your grandpa’s body. At least, usually You can still be more energetic!" Chu Muyue waved her hand, exhorting.

"Really?" Hearing that Chu Muyue actually wanted to give his grandfather a bottle of medicinal wine, his eyes lit up and looked at Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue nodded, and said to Ling Hong, "Bring out a bottle of a catty of medicinal wine, um, don't blend it!"

Ling Hong nodded, turned and left the box to get the medicinal liquor.

Chu Muyue again instructed Duan Tianyu, "The pound I gave you is of high purity. If you want to drink, you can only have a small sip per day, but you can also blend it so that you can drink more! Drink too much, yes. Your body is not good, and it is not good for your grandpa!"

"Ah! So the things we usually drink are all blended? That one hundred thousand yuan per catty is just blended?" Duan Tianyu heard it, and suddenly his chin fell off, just thinking that those people were eager to get it. The things are all blended.

Chu Muyue nodded, "This is medicinal wine, not ordinary wine, so you can't drink too much. And what I blended, even if they drink a catty, it is only equivalent to that sip, and I can measure it! "

"It turned out to be like this!" Duan Tianyu nodded suddenly after hearing this.

"Well, don't tell your father and your grandfather about this matter, don't tell them that I am the owner of this medicinal restaurant!" Chu Muyue reminded.

Duan Tianyu heard this and asked in a puzzled way, "Ah? Don't tell me, then how can I explain how my medicinal wine came from?"

"You said it was the medicinal wine I prepared by myself. It is similar to the medicinal restaurant, but the purity is stronger! You can make up the others yourself!" Chu Muyue just mentioned the other casually, and let him think about the others.

"Oh!" Duan Tianyu nodded.

Chu Muyue turned his head and whispered to Xiao Junyan, but it was usually Chu Muyue talking, and then Xiao Junyan listened, and then replied "um" or "oh".

Duan Tianyu propped his chin with both hands. He had never seen the commander of the group army, not to mention that Xiao Junyan in front of him was the commander.

He just thought he was very curious. Although this man was very handsome, he did not know how many times he was handsome.

However, this guy speaks too little, since he saw this man today, it is estimated that there are not a hundred words in total.

Moreover, he would only reply when Chu Muyue talked to him. During the day he talked to him a lot, but this guy ignored him.

Had it not been for Xiao Junyan to be so familiar with Chu Muyue, he would have gone crazy long ago.

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