Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 944: Father and daughter Linshi meet 1

Chu Zhiming and Geng Liangfei came to Longdun Security Company and looked for Geng Liangfei's comrade-in-arms.

Geng Liangfei pushed the door and entered the simple dormitory. He saw a man in his thirties inside and greeted him, "Lao Jin!"

The man's name is Jin Zhuang. He used to be a teammate in the same team as Geng Liangfei, and he recommended Geng Liangfei to join Longdun Security Company.

"Lao Geng, you are here! Come in quickly!" Jin Zhuang saw Geng Liangfei coming in and greeted him with a smile.

Geng Liangfei smiled and walked in, followed by Chu Zhiming behind him.

"Lao Jin, let me introduce you. This is my good brother Chu Zhiming before transferring to the team!" Geng Liangfei immediately introduced Chu Zhiming to Jin Zhuang, "Can you also let him enter the security company? His daughter I was admitted to Linshi No. 1 Middle School, thinking about working in Linshi and taking care of my daughter!"

"Your comrade-in-arms?" Jin Zhuang glanced at Geng Liangfei and then at Chu Zhiming.

Chu Zhiming quickly smiled and shook hands, "Mr. Jin, hello, hello!"

Jin Zhuang also shook hands with Chu Zhiming and said with a smile, "Since everyone is a soldier, they are all brothers. Give it to me and hand it to the general manager. The boss is expected to come over in the next few days. You will be able to enter when she passes the review!"

"Okay, thank you, thank you!" Chu Zhiming quickly nodded gratefully when he heard Jin Zhuang's words.

On the other hand, Chu Muyue received a call from her father, Chu Zhiming, saying that she didn't have to go home this week, and that he would accompany him to a friendly gathering.

Originally, Chu Muyue didn't go back to Xing City very often because of the Chinese medicine clinic. At least, he also promised to go back at least once a month, or once every half a month.

It was about two weeks, so Chu Muyue also planned to go back, but she didn't expect that Chu Zhiming was going to get together with her friends, so she could only find other things to do.

Although you can ask Qin Shaoyang about Mu family matters, Chu Muyue also plans to discuss with him face to face.

Moreover, some new retired special soldiers have recently been recruited, many of whom have been discharged due to injuries. Therefore, Chu Muyue is going to diagnose and treat them.

On Friday, Xiao Junyan still came to pick up Chu Muyue and got on the off-road vehicle.

"Brother Xiao, I won't go home this week!" Chu Muyue said with a smile at Xiao Junyan.

"Where to go?" Xiao Junyan didn't ask why he didn't go home, but instead asked where he was going.

Chu Muyue smiled and said, "Well, let's go to the construction site! I'm going to handle some company affairs over there!"

Xiao Junyan nodded and drove to the construction site.

But Chu Muyue supported her chin with one hand and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Don't ask me, why didn't you go home?"

"Don't ask, you can say it!" Xiao Junyan replied concisely.

Chu Muyue laughed, jokingly, showing aggrieved expression and said, "My dad's comrades came to see him, and then he abandoned my daughter and didn't let me go back to see him!"

Xiao Junyan turned his head and glanced at Chu Muyue gently, and what he said was even more heartwarming, "It's okay, I'll be with you!"

Chu Muyue narrowed her eyes with a smile, this man is really more and more able to talk about love.

"Well! With you with me, you can't just abandon me in the future!" Chu Muyue reminded Xiao Junyan and said.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "No!"

"Brother Xiao is the best!" Chu Muyue only felt very happy.

Hearing what Chu Muyue said, the corners of Xiao Junyan's mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint smile.

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