Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 945: Father and Daughter Linshi Meet 2

When Chu Muyue arrived at the construction site in Xiao Junyan's car, Qin Shaoyang had been waiting for a long time.

"Miss Chu, you are here!" Qin Shaoyang greeted him with a smile.

"Well, I happened to be free today, so I came here!" Chu Muyue nodded and said, "Let's go to the office and talk!"

"Okay!" Qin Shaoyang led the way and led Chu Muyue into the simple office to discuss the situation of Runyao Real Estate Company, the construction situation here, and finally the recruitment of security company personnel.

Runyao Real Estate Company may declare bankruptcy in a few days. Chu Muyue is not in a hurry, waiting for them to declare bankruptcy before proceeding with the acquisition. In this way, there will be less trouble.

Chu Muyue asked Qin Shaoyang to handle this kind of thing.

The construction of the ground here, the underground training ground of the security company has been completed, and it is about to be built now.

Today's time is a bit tight. Chu Muyue can't diagnose and treat the new security guards, and will be diagnosed and treated again tomorrow, anyway, she won't go home this week.

"How many people are there in the security company now?" Chu Muyue asked, looking at some information that Qin Shaoyang handed over.

Qin Shaoyang replied, "Now there are 213 people in the entire security company!"

"Well, I'll check it out. After today, don't recruit for the time being. If they are already on the road, let them come first. If they don't, then wait for the next batch to talk about it. When the house here is built, then recruit Not later!" Chu Muyue said without seeing the information of the newly added personnel at the bottom, closing the file.

Qin Shaoyang nodded, "Okay! I will tell you to go down!"

Chu Muyue passed the document book to Qin Shaoyang, "You hand over these newly joined members to the Intelligence Department and let them verify their information!"

"Don't worry, I have already ordered it, but some people are more remote, it is more troublesome and late to check, and there is no news! There are some new recruits who have not had time to verify!" Qin Shaoyang nodded and smiled Said.

Although these veterans are recommended by each other, it is necessary to investigate and investigate, especially character issues, which need to be investigated!

"Well, I'm very relieved when you do things!" Chu Muyue held up the teacup, took a sip and ordered, "You let all the security guards go to the basement of the security company, and I will meet them!"

"I'll make arrangements right away!" Qin Shaoyang quickly stood up and went down to make arrangements.

After drinking the tea in the cup, Chu Muyue turned to look at Xiao Junyan, "Would you like to come with me?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

"Hehe, those who are the same as you, are soldiers!" Chu Muyue laughed and said jokingly, "I don't know if they will have a cold face like you, as if they brought a big ice cube by their side every day. !"

Xiao Junyan frowned and asked, "Don't like it?"

"No!" Chu Muyue shook her head and joked, "It's better that way, you can use air conditioning in summer!"

Xiao Junyan stretched out his hand and touched Chu Muyue's head, "Just be gentle to you!"

Chu Muyue's cheeks flushed, and she gave Xiao Junyan a sweet look, and stood up, "Let's go! Let's meet the newly recruited veterans!"

Someone is really cold when it gets cold, and when it gets hot, it feels so enthusiastic that she can't bear it.

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