Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 946: Father and Daughter Linshi Meet 3

Rows of people standing upright gathered in the training ground under the security company.

Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan walked into the training ground and nodded in satisfaction as they looked at the neatly fighting people.

Only soldiers can stand so neatly.

When Qin Shaoyang saw Chu Muyue's arrival, he also stopped talking, "Miss Chu! You are here!"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded gently, then looked at the security guards who were standing in a military posture, "Are all the people here?"

"Yes, everything is here! The newcomers are here too!" Qin Shaoyang nodded and said.

Among the people standing in rows, one of them frowned tightly, and only felt that the voice was familiar.

Chu Muyue walked to the front of the crowd. Because of her short stature, she couldn't see the people behind at all, only the old members in front.

As a special soldier, when training, he must be ordered to suppress curiosity in his heart, and this is no exception.

People who just joined later, who haven't met Chu Muyue yet, are a little curious when they hear this somewhat immature girl. Why does this voice sound so young? Still female!

But they didn't move, they still stood upright.

Chu Muyue glanced at the people, nodded lightly, and said with a smile, "Welcome everyone to join Longdun Security Company! My name is Chu Muyue and I belong to Longdun Security Company..."

Before Chu Muyue could finish speaking, there was an exclamation sound from behind, "Mu Yue?"

Chu Muyue heard this familiar voice, but didn't react for a while, but looked in the direction of the voice.

Seeing people, Chu Muyue held her forehead helplessly. What's the matter, what's the situation?

Will Chu Zhiming, Xiami's own father, be in the team?

Xiao Junyan raised his head and glanced at the team. He saw Chu Zhiming in the team. There was a tangled and complicated look on his cold and handsome face, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes trembled.

Then he turned his head and looked at Chu Zhiming again, with a very sympathetic look.

Chu Zhiming also looked at Chu Muyue in surprise, why is this girl here?

I saw it all, stretched out his head and shrank his head with a knife. Chu Muyue walked into the team and asked, "Dad, why are you here?"

"Dad?" The veterans who had already known Chu Muyue in front all turned their heads together, looked at Chu Muyue, and looked at Chu Zhiming behind him.

This title really makes them feel a little bit out of focus.

The father of their little boss in their team? Why did they never know?

"I want to ask you again! Why are you here?" Chu Zhiming also walked out, asking Chu Muyue in confusion and doubt.

Chu Muyu stretched out her hand in embarrassment and touched her nose, "I own this Dragon Shield security company!"

"Did you drive?" Chu Zhiming's eyes widened in surprise, and he was speechless.

Geng Liangfei, who was standing next to Chu Zhiming, only felt his legs soft and sat on the ground with a thud.

What did he hear just now?

This girl is the cute girl from before?

Then, he and Mu Yue, the company that Chu Zhiming is applying for now, opened?

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded, seeing Chu Zhiming's surprised appearance, she didn't know what to say for a while, "Dad, you come out first, let's go to the office to talk!"

Well, because of Chu Zhiming's appearance, her plan was disrupted.

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