Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 947: Father and Daughter Linshi Meet 4

Chu Zhiming was sitting in a simple office, sipping the tea in front of him, suppressing his surprise, and then looking at Chu Muyue, "Let's talk about it, what is going on!"

Chu Muyue shrugged helplessly, spread his hands, and told Chu Zhiming all of his own affairs, as well as the huge treatment expenses that he had received because of the treatment. They used them to open the medicinal restaurant and this dragon shield. Security company.

"You girl, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Chu Zhiming sighed helplessly and asked Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyu smiled wryly, and sat beside Chu Zhiming, holding his arm around him, "Dad, I am afraid that you are worried before the company is built! After all, I am so young and afraid. Don’t worry about me! That’s why I didn’t tell you. I plan to tell you in one or two years, lest you worry about me!"

She would never tell her true purpose.

She just didn't want the people of the Chu family to know her achievements so quickly, lest they come to trouble them.

Also, she didn't want others to know that, in this case, her peaceful life would be broken.

When Chu Zhiming heard Chu Muyue’s explanation, he could only helplessly shook his head and patted her on the back, “You child, too, has grown up and has his own bamboo slips, so I won’t talk about you. You still have to pay more attention. Since you are in this line, you must be careful!"

"I know, Dad, don't worry!" Chu Muyue smiled and comforted Chu Zhiming, "I have done it so well. All three companies here are mine, so you don't have to worry too much. Mine! And, in the future, dad, you will enjoy the blessing at home. After taking care of me for so many years, you should go out and go around. I pay, and you can play wherever you want to play!

Since Chu Zhiming already knew that she had started a company, Chu Muyue would not have any concealment, and the medicinal restaurant, cosmetics company, real estate company, and security company all told him.

"As long as you can take care of yourself, alas, I'm still thinking about how to make money if my job is gone!" Chu Zhiming smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Chu Muyue heard this and looked at Chu Zhiming curiously, "By the way, Dad, I haven't asked you yet, why did you show up here? And, what about your previous job? Why didn't you do it? "

She clearly remembered that in her previous life, even before her father was seriously ill, he still worked in that company, but why didn't she do it now?

Chu Zhiming could only shook his head and said, "I don't know, I was fired for some reason, and I was given half a month's salary, but it's okay now!"

My daughter started this company and gave him money back, let him travel, and go wherever he wanted.

Chu Muyue lowered her head, her eyebrows furrowed, she didn't expect that something like this would happen when she was not in Xingshi.

After all, Chu Zhiming's skills are very good and her job is stable. She has never worried about her father.

I thought my father would always work in that company, but I didn't expect that he was fired now.

Why did he fire his father?

Suddenly, the words Mu Xueqing once said came to her mind.

"Chu Muyue, you wait for me, and you will have retribution right away!"

Could it be her?

Yes, only she can do such a thing!

Is Mu Xueqing? This is your own death! A cold light flashed in Chu Muyue's eyes.

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