Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 959: Mr. Zhang begs to come 3

It is now the end of October, and everyone feels as if the summer vacation has not been long.

However, Yu Chengwei came to the class with news, "Seven kinds of exams will be conducted soon, and midterm exams will be conducted next Tuesday to Friday!"


Hearing the news announced by Yu Chengwei, everyone screamed. Many of the classmates slapped their hands on the table and screamed.

"The mid-term exam is coming so soon, this time is passing really fast!" Yan Yu sat on his side, putting one hand on Chu Muyue's table.

"Yes!" Chu Muyue also nodded and said with a smile, "This proves that half a semester has passed!"

Yan Yu looked at Chu Muyue, Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao with a smile, and said teasingly, "I don't know if you three will get the first place!"

Wu Hongjun and the three all looked at each other and showed a smile.

Yuan Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Just try my best!"

"Well, try your best! Give full play to your strength!" Wu Hongjun also nodded, but there was still a gleam of light in his eyes, and he still thought that he was better than Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue also smiled and said, "We are not the only one here, there are other people, as long as you do your best!"

Yan Yu cut, "Modest!"

At this moment, Yu Chengwei called Chu Muyue, "Chu Muyue, come out!"

Chu Muyue was taken aback, and Mu Zhitong and others glanced at her incomprehensibly, with a somewhat questioning look in their eyes, "What are you telling you to do?"

"Could it be trouble for you?" It seemed that there was Qian Meiyan's reason, which made An Ziyun worried.

Chu Muyue also shook her head without any doubt, but still gave everyone a comforting look.

This teacher Yu Chengwei is pretty good, he shouldn't be that kind of person.

Then he got up and followed Yu Chengwei and left the classroom.

Yu Chengwei took Chu Muyue to the corner of the corridor and said, "Chu Muyue, don't read Chinese medicine books during this time, and get good midterm exam results!"

Every day I saw that Chu Muyue was reading a doctor's book, which made Yu Chengwei worry about Chu Muyue's academic performance.

Hearing Yu Chengwei's instructions, Chu Muyue understood it, smiled and nodded, "Teacher, I know that I will be measured myself!"

She was still thinking about why Yu Chengwei asked her to come out because she was concerned about her grades!

"High school still has to focus on academic performance, Chinese medicine is only your interest, you still have to focus on learning!" Yu Chengwei reminded Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue touched her nose, and she understood why Yu Chengwei worried about her Russian results.

Not only is she concerned about herself, but she also feels that she must spend a lot of time in traditional Chinese medicine, so her medical skills are very high.

However, the time spent in Chinese medicine is so much that I am afraid that I can't take care of my academic performance. Yu Chengwei is still a little worried about Chu Muyue.

"Teacher, don't worry, I won't let you down!" Chu Muyue gave Yu Chengwei a consolation.

Yu Chengwei nodded and waved his hand, "Okay, you go back first, read more texts, and you can come to me if you have any questions!"

After all, Chu Muyue's illness was cured by Chu Muyue, which saved him so much pain, so I still want to help her more.

"Okay!" Chu Muyue nodded and turned back to her classroom.

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