Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 960: Acquisition of Runyao Real Estate Company 1 (50 more)

When Chu Muyue returned to the classroom, she was surrounded by everyone.

"Mu Yue, what did the teacher tell you to do?"

Chu Muyue smiled and said, "It's nothing, don't worry, the teacher just thinks I have been reading medical books, let me read more textbooks, study and review more seriously, lest my grades fall!"

"That's good!" Hearing Chu Muyue's explanation, everyone was slightly relieved.

Mu Zhitong retracted her puckered butt, patted her chest and said, "I thought I was looking for you for something!"

"Why are you so nervous? Teacher Yu is of good character!" Chu Muyue smiled and comforted everyone.

Mu Zhitong propped her chin with one hand, and said with a bulging mouth, "It's really good to be older than this person, but sometimes it's a fire, and no one can stand it!"

Chu Muyue shook her head helplessly, "It's better to read the book well. The exam is due next week. If you fail to take the exam, it will be bad!"

"Oh! I hate reading and endorsement!" Mu Zhitong sighed, knocked his chin, "I will take science in my second year of high school! So I don't have to memorize it!"

Yan Yu poured cold water unkindly, "Science biology also has to endorse!"

"It's better to recite politics, geography, and history than liberal arts!" Mu Zhitong rolled her eyes and said naturally.

Chu Muyue smiled, lowered her head and continued to read the medical book, thinking, today is Thanksgiving, and it is the day when the medicinal restaurant will increase the sale of membership cards.

This time, one hundred silver membership cards and twenty gold membership cards were added.

Duan Tianyu also brought the rich second-generation dangling with him to the medicated restaurant for dinner.

Since knowing that this medicinal restaurant belonged to Chu Muyue, Duan Tianyu often brought people to let those rich second generations pay.

The relationship with Ling Hong is getting better and better, just like an iron buddy.

"Big Brother Ling, did you arrange a box for me? I brought my brother to join him!" When Duan Tianyu came, Ling Hong won, which naturally aroused the surprise of many rich people present.

Unexpectedly, even Duan Tianyu was here, and what was this section of Tianyu called Ling Hong just now? Brother Ling?

As the number one young man in Jiangnan Province, Duan Tianyu is almost unknown to everyone. Even if Duan Tianyu doesn't know them, they must know him!

"Shao Duan, don't worry, it's already prepared for you, you just have to make a phone call!" Ling Hong said with a smile, "It's in the original box on the third floor!"

"Okay!" Duan Tianyu nodded, and said to the people below, "Welcome everyone to the medicinal restaurant and become a member of the medicinal restaurant. From now on, this medicinal restaurant will be covered by Duan Tianyu. Who dares to trouble the medicinal restaurant? Just do it right with me Duan Tianyu!"

"Hiss!" When everyone heard, they couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

"Yes, yes, Shao Duan!"

"Shao Duan, don't worry, how can we embarrass the medicinal restaurant!"

"Yeah, yeah! We all like to eat the dishes in the medicated food restaurant, and the medicinal wine is even more delicious. We don't want such a good store to be closed!"

Everyone is all you flattering and saying.

"Okay!" Duan Tianyu nodded in satisfaction, knowing the purpose of these people, but didn't break it, and waved at the group of people behind him.

Ling Hong first sent Duan Tianyu to the third floor to eat, but the people below did not dare to complain, but felt proud.

Although Duan Tianyu cannot represent his father Duan Wenhao, such a young man cannot be offended casually.

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